Peace & Bless-ful Heigjts to all of you.
there is a string we all stand on,
it's called Humanity

My world is OK right now,
got to represent the beach - Neptune Up!

forward, to the extension of I-heights

hail up


You changed your name tongue
Peace & Love to everyone everywhere

I've been somewhat vexed lately
there ain't no love in a bottle
but there's a little bit of love in a glass of wine

there's nothing like swimming in the ocean every night to relax.
I'm never leaving the beach. I love all my neighbors and weekends are I-tal.

I need raining good fortune to make my destiny trip...
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I am the true vine.
it's been a while but I'm here now. the beach is about the greatest, I don't know why I didn't think of it earlier. I get to ride my new orange bike after work, swim in the ocean, I'm so freakin' happy.
my boy was here this weekend, lots of swimmin' , I'm so proud of him, a very sociable...
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aww, you got yourself a little genius.

I'm on Neptune...
(forgive me, I had to)
I'm up too late, I'm almost sure I'm going to skip work tomorrow - the boss is gone but I'll still have to make it up. I go to get my keys tomorrow and I thankfully have some weekend days to start moving but the beer fest is tomorrow night... decisions.
I got the news...
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You're right, it is all stupid and sad, but we've been through it all before with the Blitz and the IRA, so we can cope, we're resilient and we always bounce back stronger than ever smile

I'm fine thanks sweetie, I don't live in London so the full impact never really hit here, although the local bomb squad had to blow up a package left at our local train station.

Enjoy the beach kiss

Love and kisses
Michelle xx
from Rockers

Greetings & Love.
To One & All.
In I presence I bring coverage of I-Heights.
Love for everyone everywhere
It is known that the cooperation
of all colors of people voice the decision of I-heights.
Free everyone liberate fully everywhere.
now everyone just cooperate
with the love of I-heights to survive...
knowing that in this world
war is explosive.
the ways of one...
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I would love to be on my way to anything involving a beach
full of flowers
as designated by the supposed founders
how much does it mean to me? it means everything, I've been in places that will never be touched, ranches, cattle, the frontier.
I'm concerned with sustainabity. If we use up all the land for people to live on, where will the food they eat come from?
that's a good question
food will be replicated like on star trek
Peace. Me & Jah Wise to you all. Please listen to Wu-Tang Forever. I'm about to start on my last week in the swamps.. all over the forested acreage of a few counties above the Everglades...all right, maybe not now. I need a vacation.
I think most of us need a little vacay.

man , I freakin' love Netflix. I just watched a Bjork concert - wonderful, intense. am I a Bjork dork? i'm getting ready to watch 'Rockers'
tonight, I'm feeling sublime, shining, perfect, elated. why? sometimes i get like that, giddy.
tonight, I'm thinking it's because of beautiful friends, I'm having a good time here. different, but there's great people everywhere.
my best friend is in...
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Wow, thank you for your comment. I didn't mean to disrupt the above stylistic tendency, though.

Thanks again.
Yes Bjork's music is so lovely.
it's a tufed titmoues! that's a real name, it's confirmed!
I feel fortunate, my short story. going to college, I can't stand to be inside very long, I wanted to be a carpenter. I went to UF, majored in Botany with the most kickass professors on the planet. got out, moved around did odd-botany jobs 'til I got a job teaching science at a fine arts magnet high school, a fantastic experience. but I had to leave for opportunity to to do a lot of field work & real science. now I do botany, wildlife surveys, wetland stuff, forestry, land management, I want do to my best for our beautiful Florida while under amazing population pressure, sustainability. i am ecology, but our company has archaeologists & geologists too.
I'm a project manager, which means I juggle & tiptoe a dozen things at a time, usually 2-3 days/wk. field work, then I go home & write about it.
but our current cool project is working for the Department of Forestry assessing the damage to the timber resources by the 2004 hurrincane season. So we did aerial surveys in fixed-wing planes, and now we are ground-truthing random plots all over the paths of the hurricanes. it's so cool being in the middle of nowhere, wher very few people have ever been, I'm leaving again monday for another week of heaven/hell. Ok, that's enough for now.
Hey, thank you for that insight, that'
s the kind of stuff I love, critical observation, a nice place to be. I think at the moment I'm fixated on simple composition, and I didn't even realize it. perspective gained. much respect & grace.
peace & good morning. wildlife surveys in the a.m., then off ice work. I went to go check some shit out like exactly noon, everything got dim, it was hot as fuck. then I went to O.P. to have lunch w/ a good friend. I feel better. next week I'm dippin' in the Everglades, I feel alright.