Well, after all the pain it was worth it to find out.
I had a procedure done on my stomach, a sort of biopsy. some of you may know about the fucking pain thing i'm in. the result is I'm not as fucked up as I could have been. so they tell you not to drink alcohol for at least 24 hrs.
ACHTUNG! when medical people tell you shit like that, they know what they are talking about! I decided to celebrate with a glass of wine, and WOW! was I fucked up. don't do what I did.
what followed was an intense hallucinatory fucking fuck-up. I was afraid to go to bed.
my life took a quite sudden turn through this short period, but hey I'm about to go on a super-secret mission>
yeah. SW
I had a procedure done on my stomach, a sort of biopsy. some of you may know about the fucking pain thing i'm in. the result is I'm not as fucked up as I could have been. so they tell you not to drink alcohol for at least 24 hrs.
ACHTUNG! when medical people tell you shit like that, they know what they are talking about! I decided to celebrate with a glass of wine, and WOW! was I fucked up. don't do what I did.
what followed was an intense hallucinatory fucking fuck-up. I was afraid to go to bed.
my life took a quite sudden turn through this short period, but hey I'm about to go on a super-secret mission>
yeah. SW
btw. Whenever doctors tell you to do something, its usually best to follow their lead.