Hey you all are so kind and I thank you for the B-day wishes and I feel good. i've been a little low & blue lately but I'm coming out of it.
since coming back from Cuba I can sleep again, I feel like I'm catching up on 10 yrs. ... and I have my dreams back. but I'm sleep y all the time.
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since coming back from Cuba I can sleep again, I feel like I'm catching up on 10 yrs. ... and I have my dreams back. but I'm sleep y all the time.
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I want to know what forgiveness feels like. from each perspective. it seems that its some idea tossed about, and I've held it as one of my virtues thinking that I was pretty good at it. recent developments have forced me to question the validity of the whole concept. Is it possible? think about it. Infidelity? it's never forgotten. abuse? theres no reason to forget...
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Happy Easter!
Well, after all the pain it was worth it to find out.
I had a procedure done on my stomach, a sort of biopsy. some of you may know about the fucking pain thing i'm in. the result is I'm not as fucked up as I could have been. so they tell you not to drink alcohol for at least 24 hrs.
ACHTUNG! when medical...
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I had a procedure done on my stomach, a sort of biopsy. some of you may know about the fucking pain thing i'm in. the result is I'm not as fucked up as I could have been. so they tell you not to drink alcohol for at least 24 hrs.
ACHTUNG! when medical...
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I hope you're doing better!
The phone was dead when I lost it (but now it's found) woot woot found phone.
btw. Whenever doctors tell you to do something, its usually best to follow their lead.
btw. Whenever doctors tell you to do something, its usually best to follow their lead.

Hey People,
I'm going somewhere super-secret & wonderful in 2 weeks. I'm super excited, I'll report w/ pics soon.
w/o my glasses I can barely see this screen
I'm happy with myself if I don't make big mistakes. I'm recently caught up in what it's like to be an adult. Like when do ethics overide the fact that live barely subsistent and you know what...
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I'm going somewhere super-secret & wonderful in 2 weeks. I'm super excited, I'll report w/ pics soon.
w/o my glasses I can barely see this screen
I'm happy with myself if I don't make big mistakes. I'm recently caught up in what it's like to be an adult. Like when do ethics overide the fact that live barely subsistent and you know what...
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there was this girl....
I had an almost perfect relationship once, a really long time ago.
Dearest One,
what has happened?
I had an almost perfect relationship once, a really long time ago.
Dearest One,
what has happened?
hold on to the good memories
slide now...
what do you do when you dream too hard?
you cain't drown them
it just gets harder,
spirits rise, a little dizziness - you know that feeling with a friend on your shoulder a moment of knowing love.
here, where things are rough sometimes but then
there are those friends
what do you do when you dream too hard?
you cain't drown them
it just gets harder,
spirits rise, a little dizziness - you know that feeling with a friend on your shoulder a moment of knowing love.
here, where things are rough sometimes but then
there are those friends
my peaceful spirits across the water
what is it we are waiting for
A craft, to busy-interest us, or carry away?
do I wonder what I can do to remedy my situation when the answer is all there.
what is it we are waiting for
A craft, to busy-interest us, or carry away?
do I wonder what I can do to remedy my situation when the answer is all there.
What to do?
a lot of crazy mess going on lately.
1) I have an amazing opportunity to move to the city I love most - Chicago - and do some amazing ecological restoration work, working for my best boss ever. My best friends, music, and home is home.
what is the problem? I love Florida, but I can do with out venomous snakes, blackberry...
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a lot of crazy mess going on lately.
1) I have an amazing opportunity to move to the city I love most - Chicago - and do some amazing ecological restoration work, working for my best boss ever. My best friends, music, and home is home.
what is the problem? I love Florida, but I can do with out venomous snakes, blackberry...
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Thank you for the birthday wishes.
Ooo! Chicago... it is much more than the Windy City!!!
...and it has been a while but thanks for the birthday wishes!!!
...and it has been a while but thanks for the birthday wishes!!!

what follows is a sad commentary. a message to someone with a non-functional misunderstanding of humanity, especially themself, a misrepresentation, a person I knew. a rant maybe, some lingering pain,
Dear Terrible Person,
Yes, I like flowers. That's my motherfucking job, I'm a Botanist, Comprendes? who doesn't like flowers? is this part of the 'Honesty' thing? pre-judgement? some bizarre feminine attachment to archaic masculine...
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Dear Terrible Person,
Yes, I like flowers. That's my motherfucking job, I'm a Botanist, Comprendes? who doesn't like flowers? is this part of the 'Honesty' thing? pre-judgement? some bizarre feminine attachment to archaic masculine...
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Why thank you ....

howdy neighbor

Hell Yeah,
I'm going to Asheville to see Cat Power in Oct.
that's the closest she's coming to here, but I have to see her
anyone wants to ride up is welcome
I'm going to Asheville to see Cat Power in Oct.
that's the closest she's coming to here, but I have to see her
anyone wants to ride up is welcome
Oh how I would love to see Cat Power
she'll be in NY Nov. 14 that's probably quite a ways from you though (I don't know much about the northeast), I'll be in Chicago then seeing my favorite musician of all time. I'm really excited, there's lots of cool stuff coming up!
Update your journal!