So I have been considering shooting and posting a set for the suicide boys group. I've been thinking about it for a while now. Mostly because I really enjoy reading the comments that get left there and the thought that maybe I would get some of those as well is very exciting. I've never felt particularly attractive or sexy but I've recently been asked to share some nude photos and gotten a nice response. It made me feel great! So I ask you. Should I go for it? Any theme ideas? Is there anyone near that would like to help out someone with no experience or equipment? If you have any ideas please feel free to share them!
My ears are all healed and im back up to a 2 gauge
just got back from calgary on a mini vacation and cut most of my hair off
I'm very glad that my ears have gone back to the same size so quickly that I don't want to push them farther than they are ready to go...
kind of like a girl in high school who will give you blowjobs and you want to ask for sex but you fear that if you ask for sex and push her too far she will say no and take the blowjobs with her.