So, recently I've been obsessing over the idea of being on The Real World again. And even though season 30 or Real World: Skeletons is still currently running on air, I've decided to do some homework and start reading about the casting process and finding any information I can possible for how to get casted on this show. I've bought two book, which I just finished reading one tonight titled, "How To Get On Reality TV, How a Normal Guy got on Reality TV" and the other titled, "Me On TV" which is a step by step guide to getting casted on any reality tv show you desire. Both tremendously helpful books.
Anyways, The reason I'm writing about doing this, is because everything with Dating The Industry is on hold til May, and casting for Real World, and Are You The One? are going on or will be going on around March and April, so I figured I could get a head start and attempt to get casted this time around. I know more now than I did the first time around, and I truly want to have the experience of living out my dream. I've wanted to be on this show for years, regardless of how fake it is or the drama that is involved. The experience is what I want.