So I called the White Elephant (the bar that scewed me out of some money, for those who have been her) and it appears that they can't fix my account till Thursday cause that's when the manager will be there. It made me mad. So I deceided to eat all my cd's.
More Blogs
Friday Feb 13, 2004
Today was a day. A day of when you wake up late for school have two t… -
Thursday Feb 12, 2004
Oh joy of joys. Another glorious day of being the professional lazy a… -
Monday Feb 09, 2004
Today was just as boring as the last. And the one before that. And th… -
Thursday Jan 29, 2004
I'm glad no one writes to me on here. Actually I'm not glad. I'm rath… -
Monday Jan 26, 2004
Oh what a glorious day. I survived another weekend. Barely. And not w… -
Tuesday Jan 20, 2004
So I called the White Elephant (the bar that scewed me out of some mo… -
Tuesday Jan 20, 2004
So I called the White Elephant (the bar that scewed me out of some mo… -
Tuesday Jan 20, 2004
So I called the White Elephant (the bar that scewed me out of some mo… -
Monday Jan 19, 2004
My weekend started by going to the White Elephant and had a couple of… -
Friday Jan 16, 2004
Don't you think it's funny that I grab a girls ass and she turns arou…