I love Anne Frank's Diary of a Young Girl (I started the unedited version and found it too hard to read someone's unadulterated private thoughts)...
The bit I always relate to is where she calls herself a 'little bundle of contradictions'. Variety is totally the spice of my life, in everything. I went round to my mate's and got completely battered the other night, came home and had Ex Sex (bad, argh, anyway it never happened, alright?) after reading two of her lil boys Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles stories while pissed.
Then Sunday I went to the Methodist church in the little village I have to go to so's I can look after one of my old people, was made very welcome and I've kind of decided I might go back quite regularly. Maybe it's the Prozac, but I'm really enjoying my life recently
The bit I always relate to is where she calls herself a 'little bundle of contradictions'. Variety is totally the spice of my life, in everything. I went round to my mate's and got completely battered the other night, came home and had Ex Sex (bad, argh, anyway it never happened, alright?) after reading two of her lil boys Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles stories while pissed.
Then Sunday I went to the Methodist church in the little village I have to go to so's I can look after one of my old people, was made very welcome and I've kind of decided I might go back quite regularly. Maybe it's the Prozac, but I'm really enjoying my life recently

Ex Sex = Bad. Tsk tsk.
Looking after old folks = very good. Applause, and smiles from heaven.
funny thing about PWEI...my ex- ex- ex- ex- ex-girlfriend (we're talking like, a decade ago) was the one who used to listen to PWEI... i thought them pretty good at the time but haven't thought a thing about them since. did you like them all the way back then - when you were 13/14 ish?
and...you bet yer corpse-shagging ass that variety is the spice of life. fucking A it is.