It's Hull Fair weather, which means when it gets cold, and dark early, and you feel the need for a hat and glubs.
I think I must be very happy and settled at the moment, all my housemates are home and the general pottering about of various people made me feel like I was all cosy at my mum's house after coming home from school.
We all went to the pub quiz and won (beer!), Puppy came too, he's a real pub dog, everybody loves him. They were giving out T-shirts to students so we put one on him and he looked very cute
. They also gave out baseball caps and when Mike put one on he looked like FUCKING FRED DURST which I never realised before, I freaked, and he chased me on the way home like the scary fred-a-like he has suddenly become.
Got into work yesterday and my mate and mentor Jeanette had got me a card with a scene from Grease on the front, inside it said 'If your ship doesn't come in, swim out to it' which I thought was great
Lordy, my journal entries are getting ever so long. I'm off to bed now, got a smear test in morning, I'm sure you wanted to know that
I think I must be very happy and settled at the moment, all my housemates are home and the general pottering about of various people made me feel like I was all cosy at my mum's house after coming home from school.
We all went to the pub quiz and won (beer!), Puppy came too, he's a real pub dog, everybody loves him. They were giving out T-shirts to students so we put one on him and he looked very cute

Got into work yesterday and my mate and mentor Jeanette had got me a card with a scene from Grease on the front, inside it said 'If your ship doesn't come in, swim out to it' which I thought was great

Lordy, my journal entries are getting ever so long. I'm off to bed now, got a smear test in morning, I'm sure you wanted to know that

Good to hear things are going well for ya - will get in touch with you about the Donnas gig at some point a bit nearer the time but hopefully it'll be a cool night!
Oh and don't worry - the shirt in question has long since been consigned to a box in the attic. I think I'll leave those sort of fashion statements to Incubus from now on...
[Edited on Sep 24, 2003]