I passed my degree, got a 3rd like but shit, I thought I was gonna have to redo the year and God I'm relieved, my mum was nearly in tears when I told her cos I've had a bad couple of years what with one thing and another, and erm yeah. I've got the Countdown music playing in my head for some reason, gonna ring the lil punk boy in a bit and it makes me feel about 14 cos I fancy him lots.
Lalala, went to see the Fun Lovin Criminals and found just the right lad to hang about with cos he had weed and was very enthusiastic, I got to bounce lots and my legs were knackered. Not the heaviest music to bounce to I'll admit, but still a cool time and I managed to travel on my own without getting killed or lost so I'm quite proud of myself generally today

I passed my degree, got a 3rd like but shit, I thought I was gonna have to redo the year and God I'm relieved, my mum was nearly in tears when I told her cos I've had a bad couple of years what with one thing and another, and erm yeah. I've got the Countdown music playing in my head for some reason, gonna ring the lil punk boy in a bit and it makes me feel about 14 cos I fancy him lots.
Lalala, went to see the Fun Lovin Criminals and found just the right lad to hang about with cos he had weed and was very enthusiastic, I got to bounce lots and my legs were knackered. Not the heaviest music to bounce to I'll admit, but still a cool time and I managed to travel on my own without getting killed or lost so I'm quite proud of myself generally today

Good to hear you had a fun time at the FLC gig as well - kind of wish I'd had the money to go to that one meself as I've seen 'em live twice and really enjoyed it. Instead I had to make do with the Cosmic Rough Riders but I enjoyed it so what the hell...
Oh yeah and before I go, good luck with the punk lad too!!