Hey there fugitives and refugees! Alpha here and its been so fuckin' long since I actually posted up another blog. I've been spooging comments galore all over the place but never dropped a batch of a blog in awhile so today is an awesome day to do so. Reason why I say that is because 1.) I am plastered and it isn't even 7PM yet here and 2.) I am trying to counter it with hot sauce shots. For anyone who wants to keep score, I am really losing this battle so now I'm plastered with a fuckin' mouth full of cayenne pepper. All the lactose in the world couldn't obliterate this spice in my mouth. It's like I went down on an Indian girl and forgot to bring a glass of water. I'll leave it to your imagination on if I am talking about Gas Station or Casino. I know what I'm talking about, do you?
Anyways, I shouda known that something was up when I found a gallon of chocolate milk in my fridge out of the blue. My closest friends have keys to my place and some of them know that the only way to get me shitfaced is to spike chocolate milk since my body has this automatic shutoff valve when too much alcohol is consumed. That fuckin' shutoff valve is called motherfuckin' heartburn. Instead, my inner retarded kid went apeshit and chugged half the gallon. I did not taste nor smell any alcohol whatsoever but my old friend Brian probably did the mix since he was a bartender. Why my friend Brian and my best friend Krystal are both bartenders or have been. Now that I am tanked, I am going to sound very sociologically comedic and my old-school me of when I was somewhat of a curseaholic will appear in fuckin' sporadic intervals. No matter what anyone says, alcohol isn't stupid juice, it is an ATTITUDE and PERSONALITY ENHANCER so if you do a lot of stupid shit when drunk well... So please don't take anything that may sound offensive seriously. It is all for the funny moment I am thanks to good ole alcohol put in chocolate milk. Go ether lactose.
It was raining like a pack of one dollar bills on a stripper's stage where I lived today which means it blasted down hard for about three seconds but happens in ten minute intervals. That is damn Florida weather for you but it has been getting crazier than usual. It seems that nature is more pissed off at us than usual and if you want to see the kamehameha epitome of pissed off by nature, look no further than California. When I lived in California, it was considered one of the best places to live weather-wise despite living on God's etch-n-sketch. However, it seems like God is angry at the state and instead of drawing on the etch-n-sketch, he whipped his dick out and is cornholing the motherfucker to little bits and pieces. I mean they are getting intense quakes going 6.0 or higher on the r-scale. Then God seems very sad that he broke his etch-n-sketch and cries a lot thus all the damn mudslides. Oh say it ain't so. All those rich prissy white people getting buried underneath a coagulation of chemicals, dirt, dog shit, bird poo, and condoms. Oh say it ain't so. Then to finish it off, God gets angry that his etch-n-sketch is broken and loaded with tears that he sets the entire motherfucker on fire. There have been oodles and oodles of forest fires in California and what's bad is that these forests are full of weed. That's sad! Even the firefighters are like...
Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Oh shit! Let's make creampies out of tree sap and moose poo! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha!.
I don't know if you know this but California is loaded with Catatonic Weed and that weed is crazy shit. I had it before and you forget to do stuff. You forget to take a shit for like four days. I know because I did. Then when it went down that bathroom became home sweet home for five hours plus the toilet became a casualty when I was finished with it.
I will say that getting God's anger and sadness and all of that is sad but there seems to be no difference when you get God's wet dream. I am talking about all you upper states spanning from Washington state all the way east to Mass and Virginia going just above halfway down. This includes the one state that where most of my friends on SG are here, Ohio. You all know that state right? The one state that has the welcoming sign that says...
Welcome to Ohio! What the fuck are you doing here!? Turn around and leave NOW!
Thanks for moving to Ohio! Now you're fuckin' stuck here dumbass!
Seriously though, Ohio is one of the few states synonymous with industry and I don't mean just the fuckin' hobo eight-hour job working on the line, I am talking about rock. This state is like a cesspool when it comes to power, industrial, emo, and goth rock. They are all here. The only other states that seem to buttfuck this state out of the top three are Wisconsin, Iowa, and Idaho which is very weird since there is even less shit out in those states than Ohio and Ohio gets more shit for being the "U ARE TRAPPED HERE FOREVER! MWAH! HA! HA!" state. Nevertheless, it was awesome when I was there and a lot of my favorite people are from Ohio. Rourke is located in Ohio. Phecda is located in Ohio. Even my most favorite-ist person on the SG entire world is in Ohio, Ayastigi, which on a sidenote it kinda makes me sad that she isn't on as much anymore which comes to my theory that for some girls, once they go pink they seem to disappear. Actually I'll be honest and say that if my career and job had nothing to do with being in front of a computer, I probably would not be here too as much. Maybe once every two weeks.
Back to God's wet dream. These states get this for about a max of six months or less and you guys like to have fights in them, catch them on your tongue, and make angels in God's spooge. You guy's call in Blizzards but it's God's wet dream or him giving the Earth a creampie. Actually that's more like it. God is giving Mama Earth a creampie and impreganating her and if you don't believe it think of it like this. God coats Mama Earth with his soldiers of fortune and eventually these soldiers will penetrate down like sperm busting through the outer shell of an egg and then fuckin' trees, bushes, and grass start to appear all over the damn place. There! I win! BAH!
Seriously though, it would be nice to live where God seems to just blast his version of a cum cocoon onto us compared to where I live which is Florida. I love it here but its humid all year round thus we have the seasons hot and very hot, and the skeeters are the most fuckin' annoying motherfuckers in the world but only second to lovebugs. Not to mention, STD season for Florida starts from April and ends in November where we get hit with the Earth's STDs. Florida is the unprotected cock of the United States and if you look closely, it looks like we are going to take a piss on Cuba and the we just can't seem to get it all the way up. And the reason why I say STD season is because of this...
That's right ladies and gents! Nothing like a storm cloud that swirls around and looks like a fuckin' STD virus heading are way. And just like most STDs, hurricanes are given names that don't inspire fear. Kinda like...
Person #1: Oh God! I have AIDS!
Person #2: Really? I need some of those to do my taxes, my laundry, take care of my children...
Say it with me: THAT WAS STUPID! *Clap* *Clap* *Clap* *Clap* *Clap*. But still, it holds true for what we here in Florida do have. Like Hurricane Jemima. Maybe she'll come over and cook me some damn pancakes. Or Hurricane Terrance. Sounds like a slightly gay hurricane saying, "I may go to Boca, I may go to South Beach, but no matter where, I know blowing is involved!" YES!
Maybe when all is said and done, I may just want to go back home where I originally came from though it may sound boring. I was born in Fort Sill, Oklahoma. Kinda weird since I am Filipino but that is where all the army soldiers were sent back in the day to train and my dad is an army veteran and on the side, I so support our troops in general. Please be nice to them generally when they come back home. We don't need another Vietnam incident where the veterans were treated like gutter shit. Anyways, I am originally from Oklahoma and that area is devoid of any major natural disasters. I am talking about the bread basket states which include that little middle bit of area so if you are from Oklahoma, Kansas, Arkansas, and around those areas, well you are devoid of any real disaster. Instead those states get little bits of disasters. God won't cry you a river but maybe a glass full of water, maybe two. Instead of the huge STD known as a hurricane, we'll give you infections God likes to call tornados but he'll multiply it be ten. For reference, what's the difference between redneck divorce and a tornado? Nothing because someone is losing a trailer! Finally, God won't give thsoe states a wet dream but a nice pearl necklace. Maybe a facial. Pretty much, those states are this...
And if you don't know what the picture above is, it is the Pu-Pu Platter which is a sampling of every appetizer in Oriental restuarants. The forementioned states are the Pu-Pup Platter of the United States. They get a sample of what everyone else has in full.
Well I am almost done with this epic blog but something caught my eye reading from one of my friend's blogs. Anyways, I hope you all know Phecda, the super gorgeous girl who loves Pokemon for some reason. Ha! Ha! I choose you! Sorry, nerdy moment! Anyways, her blog actually did a rant on some people giving her bullshit tags. Now I am a firm believer in preference but what I saw there was specialization. Some people don't prefer big boobs but there are plenty of people that do. There are some people who prefer BBW and some who don't but I believe in respecting the preferences of others as long as 1.) they don't hurt anyone directly and 2.) they are truly honest on it. I do not go for liking something because someone you know likes it. YOU gotta like it. Anyways Phecda was...
Then she became very...
All because people were arrogant towards other girls she knows on this site. I love how this site isn't specialized when it comes to what beauty is. Sets are actually bought by SG by how popular they are by the community and there are just a range of beauty here. There are girls who are traditional pin-up but break the barrier by being open-minded and willing to understand other views. Naruka and Dot are good examples because they don't have the whole tattoo and piercing setup like a rocker yet they are very admired here. We have some very beautiful girls with beautiful minds who have a huge array of different hobbies and interests including AmeTsuki and Eureka_ (Who should be pink by now dammit!). And finally, with the exception of conventions, I haven't seen so many anime loving girls in one setting that wasn't based on the love of anime like Animingle or Anime Sushi or the boards from anime companies like Funimation or Viz. So this site is just a huge community but the bigger a community gets the more devoid of understanding it steers towards to.
I understand why Phecda is saying a lot of girls are leaving because of the constant drivel they may get from the arrogant. I personally am able to handle such drivel with my unique trait of apathy. Say all you want about me since my apathy will kick in and if you are someone I am apathetic towards to and we are in the same room and you choke on something, you better pray that someone else shows up because my apathy will kick in again as in, "Hmmmm, I seem to not feel anything from this so and so choking in front of me." I would say sorry that's the way I'm built but once again apathy kicks in and I really wouldn't feel sorry at all. And just for the record, that seems to be the line that makes "those kind of people" leave me alone since they hate it when they don't exist. And on the vice versa, I don't feel anything if they don't care about me. They were people I didn't feel anything for in the first place.
Back to subject, I understand preferences so keep with that but respect other people's preferences. I surely hope all the wonderful girls here and notice I said "wonderful" because I am sure there are "bad" ones here too, get pass the arrogance because it would be sad if a good girl leaves because of one assclown who has been cornholed one too many times. But I also try to show a relative and adaptive on the situation on asking why. I'll stick with Phecda since she's on topic and HAWT! She wrote that people think she's orange. This confused me so I went back and looked at her pictures and NOPE it isn't me so there might be something the matter with the other side. To those who see Phecda as orange, please check to see if your brightness, hue, and saturation on your computer screens are adjusted correctly. If the color schemes are off, then maybe that is why you are seeing this gorgeous girl the color of construction. But maybe it's not your computer and maybe your eyes. You might have an inability to recognize color and maybe if I introduce one of Phecda's pictures in a shade with a darker array of orange, it might counteract your handicap so since I am such a humanitarian...
TA-DAAAAA! Well I kinda gave her more of a bronzer look like a really good tan but bear with me. I was rushing on the work. So there you go my good friends. I hope now you see Phecda in her original color and may I suggest not jerking off too much. They do say that if you wax your carrot a little too much, you'll go blind but there will be signs like loss of depth perception or inability to recognize colors. I suggest doing something a bit more productive like playing video games, drinking beer, or smoking weed. Besides if you
Finally, the other little negative taglature Phecda got was her awesome boobies being supposedly fake. Now I just have to look at the pictures and I know its fuckin' real. For you all who don't know a pair of fake tities from real ones, I suggest maybe sticking your head between a nice pair of real titties when you go to a titty bar. I will help you out since 1.) my two best friends are girls and one of them has some awesomely huge titties and 2.) I used to be a bouncer for a boobie bar. First off, for all of you who want to actually see how real big titties work, I need you to go to the grocery store and buy two huge ziplock bags that hold at least half a gallon of anything and fill it up with Jell-o. I could say water but that fuckin' shit is boring unless we are talking about water from Russia which is Vodka. So fill those bags up with Jell-o about three quarters of the way or even pudding. I prefer vanilla or tapioca. Something about little fishballs in my pudding make me happy and no they are not really fuckin' fishballs dammit! Anyways, fill them three quarters full then close the bag up and hold them at the seam where you close them. Then just lay them flat on the ground, push them up from the bottom, hang them off the table, and get creative. Notice how they mold and move right? Well that is how real titties move. Just look and Phecda's pictures and you'll notice that her boobs mold with whatever force may be applied to them. Now for fake big titties, get the same bag and stuff it with a bowling ball. Notice how they keep their shape no matter what and notice that if you were teabagged by a bag with a bowling ball, it would knock you the fuck out. Well fake titties are hard too.
So I hope you learned a little something something and won't be such a clusterfuck cockmaster to awesome girls next time. Maybe you learned a little bit of yourself there. Actually, I had a fuckin' blast writing this blog so I think I'll do the exact same thing next Tuesday. Just get really fuckin' tanked and write away. So until next time my fellow penis pumps! Live life well and if you think there is something up your ass, I suggest you check. It could be the controller to the television you lost last weekend.
Love Ya All!
Anyways, I shouda known that something was up when I found a gallon of chocolate milk in my fridge out of the blue. My closest friends have keys to my place and some of them know that the only way to get me shitfaced is to spike chocolate milk since my body has this automatic shutoff valve when too much alcohol is consumed. That fuckin' shutoff valve is called motherfuckin' heartburn. Instead, my inner retarded kid went apeshit and chugged half the gallon. I did not taste nor smell any alcohol whatsoever but my old friend Brian probably did the mix since he was a bartender. Why my friend Brian and my best friend Krystal are both bartenders or have been. Now that I am tanked, I am going to sound very sociologically comedic and my old-school me of when I was somewhat of a curseaholic will appear in fuckin' sporadic intervals. No matter what anyone says, alcohol isn't stupid juice, it is an ATTITUDE and PERSONALITY ENHANCER so if you do a lot of stupid shit when drunk well... So please don't take anything that may sound offensive seriously. It is all for the funny moment I am thanks to good ole alcohol put in chocolate milk. Go ether lactose.
It was raining like a pack of one dollar bills on a stripper's stage where I lived today which means it blasted down hard for about three seconds but happens in ten minute intervals. That is damn Florida weather for you but it has been getting crazier than usual. It seems that nature is more pissed off at us than usual and if you want to see the kamehameha epitome of pissed off by nature, look no further than California. When I lived in California, it was considered one of the best places to live weather-wise despite living on God's etch-n-sketch. However, it seems like God is angry at the state and instead of drawing on the etch-n-sketch, he whipped his dick out and is cornholing the motherfucker to little bits and pieces. I mean they are getting intense quakes going 6.0 or higher on the r-scale. Then God seems very sad that he broke his etch-n-sketch and cries a lot thus all the damn mudslides. Oh say it ain't so. All those rich prissy white people getting buried underneath a coagulation of chemicals, dirt, dog shit, bird poo, and condoms. Oh say it ain't so. Then to finish it off, God gets angry that his etch-n-sketch is broken and loaded with tears that he sets the entire motherfucker on fire. There have been oodles and oodles of forest fires in California and what's bad is that these forests are full of weed. That's sad! Even the firefighters are like...
Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Oh shit! Let's make creampies out of tree sap and moose poo! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha!.
I don't know if you know this but California is loaded with Catatonic Weed and that weed is crazy shit. I had it before and you forget to do stuff. You forget to take a shit for like four days. I know because I did. Then when it went down that bathroom became home sweet home for five hours plus the toilet became a casualty when I was finished with it.
I will say that getting God's anger and sadness and all of that is sad but there seems to be no difference when you get God's wet dream. I am talking about all you upper states spanning from Washington state all the way east to Mass and Virginia going just above halfway down. This includes the one state that where most of my friends on SG are here, Ohio. You all know that state right? The one state that has the welcoming sign that says...
Welcome to Ohio! What the fuck are you doing here!? Turn around and leave NOW!
Thanks for moving to Ohio! Now you're fuckin' stuck here dumbass!
Seriously though, Ohio is one of the few states synonymous with industry and I don't mean just the fuckin' hobo eight-hour job working on the line, I am talking about rock. This state is like a cesspool when it comes to power, industrial, emo, and goth rock. They are all here. The only other states that seem to buttfuck this state out of the top three are Wisconsin, Iowa, and Idaho which is very weird since there is even less shit out in those states than Ohio and Ohio gets more shit for being the "U ARE TRAPPED HERE FOREVER! MWAH! HA! HA!" state. Nevertheless, it was awesome when I was there and a lot of my favorite people are from Ohio. Rourke is located in Ohio. Phecda is located in Ohio. Even my most favorite-ist person on the SG entire world is in Ohio, Ayastigi, which on a sidenote it kinda makes me sad that she isn't on as much anymore which comes to my theory that for some girls, once they go pink they seem to disappear. Actually I'll be honest and say that if my career and job had nothing to do with being in front of a computer, I probably would not be here too as much. Maybe once every two weeks.
Back to God's wet dream. These states get this for about a max of six months or less and you guys like to have fights in them, catch them on your tongue, and make angels in God's spooge. You guy's call in Blizzards but it's God's wet dream or him giving the Earth a creampie. Actually that's more like it. God is giving Mama Earth a creampie and impreganating her and if you don't believe it think of it like this. God coats Mama Earth with his soldiers of fortune and eventually these soldiers will penetrate down like sperm busting through the outer shell of an egg and then fuckin' trees, bushes, and grass start to appear all over the damn place. There! I win! BAH!
Seriously though, it would be nice to live where God seems to just blast his version of a cum cocoon onto us compared to where I live which is Florida. I love it here but its humid all year round thus we have the seasons hot and very hot, and the skeeters are the most fuckin' annoying motherfuckers in the world but only second to lovebugs. Not to mention, STD season for Florida starts from April and ends in November where we get hit with the Earth's STDs. Florida is the unprotected cock of the United States and if you look closely, it looks like we are going to take a piss on Cuba and the we just can't seem to get it all the way up. And the reason why I say STD season is because of this...
That's right ladies and gents! Nothing like a storm cloud that swirls around and looks like a fuckin' STD virus heading are way. And just like most STDs, hurricanes are given names that don't inspire fear. Kinda like...
Person #1: Oh God! I have AIDS!
Person #2: Really? I need some of those to do my taxes, my laundry, take care of my children...
Say it with me: THAT WAS STUPID! *Clap* *Clap* *Clap* *Clap* *Clap*. But still, it holds true for what we here in Florida do have. Like Hurricane Jemima. Maybe she'll come over and cook me some damn pancakes. Or Hurricane Terrance. Sounds like a slightly gay hurricane saying, "I may go to Boca, I may go to South Beach, but no matter where, I know blowing is involved!" YES!
Maybe when all is said and done, I may just want to go back home where I originally came from though it may sound boring. I was born in Fort Sill, Oklahoma. Kinda weird since I am Filipino but that is where all the army soldiers were sent back in the day to train and my dad is an army veteran and on the side, I so support our troops in general. Please be nice to them generally when they come back home. We don't need another Vietnam incident where the veterans were treated like gutter shit. Anyways, I am originally from Oklahoma and that area is devoid of any major natural disasters. I am talking about the bread basket states which include that little middle bit of area so if you are from Oklahoma, Kansas, Arkansas, and around those areas, well you are devoid of any real disaster. Instead those states get little bits of disasters. God won't cry you a river but maybe a glass full of water, maybe two. Instead of the huge STD known as a hurricane, we'll give you infections God likes to call tornados but he'll multiply it be ten. For reference, what's the difference between redneck divorce and a tornado? Nothing because someone is losing a trailer! Finally, God won't give thsoe states a wet dream but a nice pearl necklace. Maybe a facial. Pretty much, those states are this...
And if you don't know what the picture above is, it is the Pu-Pu Platter which is a sampling of every appetizer in Oriental restuarants. The forementioned states are the Pu-Pup Platter of the United States. They get a sample of what everyone else has in full.
Well I am almost done with this epic blog but something caught my eye reading from one of my friend's blogs. Anyways, I hope you all know Phecda, the super gorgeous girl who loves Pokemon for some reason. Ha! Ha! I choose you! Sorry, nerdy moment! Anyways, her blog actually did a rant on some people giving her bullshit tags. Now I am a firm believer in preference but what I saw there was specialization. Some people don't prefer big boobs but there are plenty of people that do. There are some people who prefer BBW and some who don't but I believe in respecting the preferences of others as long as 1.) they don't hurt anyone directly and 2.) they are truly honest on it. I do not go for liking something because someone you know likes it. YOU gotta like it. Anyways Phecda was...
Then she became very...
All because people were arrogant towards other girls she knows on this site. I love how this site isn't specialized when it comes to what beauty is. Sets are actually bought by SG by how popular they are by the community and there are just a range of beauty here. There are girls who are traditional pin-up but break the barrier by being open-minded and willing to understand other views. Naruka and Dot are good examples because they don't have the whole tattoo and piercing setup like a rocker yet they are very admired here. We have some very beautiful girls with beautiful minds who have a huge array of different hobbies and interests including AmeTsuki and Eureka_ (Who should be pink by now dammit!). And finally, with the exception of conventions, I haven't seen so many anime loving girls in one setting that wasn't based on the love of anime like Animingle or Anime Sushi or the boards from anime companies like Funimation or Viz. So this site is just a huge community but the bigger a community gets the more devoid of understanding it steers towards to.
I understand why Phecda is saying a lot of girls are leaving because of the constant drivel they may get from the arrogant. I personally am able to handle such drivel with my unique trait of apathy. Say all you want about me since my apathy will kick in and if you are someone I am apathetic towards to and we are in the same room and you choke on something, you better pray that someone else shows up because my apathy will kick in again as in, "Hmmmm, I seem to not feel anything from this so and so choking in front of me." I would say sorry that's the way I'm built but once again apathy kicks in and I really wouldn't feel sorry at all. And just for the record, that seems to be the line that makes "those kind of people" leave me alone since they hate it when they don't exist. And on the vice versa, I don't feel anything if they don't care about me. They were people I didn't feel anything for in the first place.
Back to subject, I understand preferences so keep with that but respect other people's preferences. I surely hope all the wonderful girls here and notice I said "wonderful" because I am sure there are "bad" ones here too, get pass the arrogance because it would be sad if a good girl leaves because of one assclown who has been cornholed one too many times. But I also try to show a relative and adaptive on the situation on asking why. I'll stick with Phecda since she's on topic and HAWT! She wrote that people think she's orange. This confused me so I went back and looked at her pictures and NOPE it isn't me so there might be something the matter with the other side. To those who see Phecda as orange, please check to see if your brightness, hue, and saturation on your computer screens are adjusted correctly. If the color schemes are off, then maybe that is why you are seeing this gorgeous girl the color of construction. But maybe it's not your computer and maybe your eyes. You might have an inability to recognize color and maybe if I introduce one of Phecda's pictures in a shade with a darker array of orange, it might counteract your handicap so since I am such a humanitarian...
TA-DAAAAA! Well I kinda gave her more of a bronzer look like a really good tan but bear with me. I was rushing on the work. So there you go my good friends. I hope now you see Phecda in her original color and may I suggest not jerking off too much. They do say that if you wax your carrot a little too much, you'll go blind but there will be signs like loss of depth perception or inability to recognize colors. I suggest doing something a bit more productive like playing video games, drinking beer, or smoking weed. Besides if you
Finally, the other little negative taglature Phecda got was her awesome boobies being supposedly fake. Now I just have to look at the pictures and I know its fuckin' real. For you all who don't know a pair of fake tities from real ones, I suggest maybe sticking your head between a nice pair of real titties when you go to a titty bar. I will help you out since 1.) my two best friends are girls and one of them has some awesomely huge titties and 2.) I used to be a bouncer for a boobie bar. First off, for all of you who want to actually see how real big titties work, I need you to go to the grocery store and buy two huge ziplock bags that hold at least half a gallon of anything and fill it up with Jell-o. I could say water but that fuckin' shit is boring unless we are talking about water from Russia which is Vodka. So fill those bags up with Jell-o about three quarters of the way or even pudding. I prefer vanilla or tapioca. Something about little fishballs in my pudding make me happy and no they are not really fuckin' fishballs dammit! Anyways, fill them three quarters full then close the bag up and hold them at the seam where you close them. Then just lay them flat on the ground, push them up from the bottom, hang them off the table, and get creative. Notice how they mold and move right? Well that is how real titties move. Just look and Phecda's pictures and you'll notice that her boobs mold with whatever force may be applied to them. Now for fake big titties, get the same bag and stuff it with a bowling ball. Notice how they keep their shape no matter what and notice that if you were teabagged by a bag with a bowling ball, it would knock you the fuck out. Well fake titties are hard too.
So I hope you learned a little something something and won't be such a clusterfuck cockmaster to awesome girls next time. Maybe you learned a little bit of yourself there. Actually, I had a fuckin' blast writing this blog so I think I'll do the exact same thing next Tuesday. Just get really fuckin' tanked and write away. So until next time my fellow penis pumps! Live life well and if you think there is something up your ass, I suggest you check. It could be the controller to the television you lost last weekend.
Love Ya All!
Boston is 4 hours away so it isn't that bad.