So i figuered that I would start to blog since it seems like its the thing to do.
Does anybody even read these? I guess i'll find out.
Well im in my 3rd year of college now, double majoring in Psychology and Spanish, with a minor in Education.
Summer classes suck.
Walking in 108 degree weather sucks.
Hot topic sucks.
Drunk driving sucks...i've never done that, so don't do it.
It's Independence Day weekend. The roommates are gone and I have the apartment all to myself. What to do.....what to do.
I saw "City of God" / "Cidade de Deus" yesterday. I thought it was a pretty descent movie (& its based on a true story). It's in Portuguese, and I realized that it's has similar qualities to the Spanish language. I may just take a class to learn the language, but for funzies. I want to go to Brazil for the music and the women.
Tchau (goodbye in Portuguese)
Does anybody even read these? I guess i'll find out.
Well im in my 3rd year of college now, double majoring in Psychology and Spanish, with a minor in Education.
Summer classes suck.
Walking in 108 degree weather sucks.
Hot topic sucks.
Drunk driving sucks...i've never done that, so don't do it.
It's Independence Day weekend. The roommates are gone and I have the apartment all to myself. What to do.....what to do.
I saw "City of God" / "Cidade de Deus" yesterday. I thought it was a pretty descent movie (& its based on a true story). It's in Portuguese, and I realized that it's has similar qualities to the Spanish language. I may just take a class to learn the language, but for funzies. I want to go to Brazil for the music and the women.
Tchau (goodbye in Portuguese)
Hehe you should post a new blog imo.