I have a damned cold. It's utterly my own fault too so that makes it even worse. It's not like i was kissing someone with a snotty nose or caught it at work... I caught it from leaving a club at 7am last saturday morning and walking 4 miles in the freezing cold snow. I was drunk at the time.
Anyway I'm later going to...
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Anyway I'm later going to...
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My cat has recently moved house, but her mail is being forwarded. Why are you not happy you say?
PLease forwards this packet of wonderful cat treats, and ask my permission to send something nice for you (being the owner)

After watching Johnny Cash on the Beeb tonight (i very rarely watch television) i just felt compelled to tell everyone who reads this journal what a fucking great man Johnny Cash was. A legend. I don't mind telling you i was in floods of tears by the end of the documentary. It was wonderful.
Johnny Cash, the man in black, do me like you done...
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Johnny Cash, the man in black, do me like you done...
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"...and to think people are wondering why Ste is going "all emo"."
You're my *hero*.
You're my *hero*.
how DARE you delete half my artwork.

how DARE you delete half my artwork.
The other side of Ste, a more sunny picture today, as the sun is shining outside... a day of gardening beckons.
Happy Day of Birth! 

i just spent all night owning my way through someone's realm on Stargate Wars, so i decided to take this picture to send to him in his email, i'm sure he'll appreciate the twisted ans hideously scarred side of my face when he wakes up tomorrow morning to find 4 months of realm building, devastated, trashed, reduced to rubble. Possibly, i need a life outside...
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i just wrote a thousand word essay here a minute ago about the importance of alcohol on your day off work, sadly the powers that be conspired to eradicate it from this singularity therefore unless you have some sort of quantum shift browser technology allowing you to view posts interdimensionaly, you won't see it.
First person to spot the wormhole my previous entry fell into...
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First person to spot the wormhole my previous entry fell into...
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