oh bla de oh bla da
what do you have to work tomorrow?
I have off. If I get my paycheck I was thinking about going to flowerland and trying to help out my dying plants. I have such a brown thumb! They're having a 50% off plant sale. I'm cheap.
Just an update to say that things in my life are looking up... of course, I'm still dealing with certain stuff, but that's just it -- I'm dealing. My bf & I talked lots, and we are "giving it another go." But I don't know how well that's going in his eyes. I just have to be patient We'll see what happens...
so, things haven't been really going that well lately. see, i thought things weren't going all that well with my boyfriend, b/c he had been acting different, so, i had a talk with him. and it ended with him breaking up with me. and NOW i realize that i was really the cause of why he had been acting so "different" lately. b/c i was... Read More
And I don't know I can believe you on that movie....
But, like I said, I have a 50 inch TV and a 450 watt surround sound reciever, so renting it is almost like seeing in the theatre. Also, it's not like Missy and I have time lately, we saw Land Of The Dead (loved it, by the way) on Saturday morning at 11am. We were the only ones in the theater!