WAHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!! Job search complete. As of this week I will be a manager in training at a very nice porn peddling establishment in downtown chicago. WOOHOO! Thank you Dale for making this possible. ARRR!!! love skull
sometimes i think it would be fun to work at a porn shop, but they do get some strange people in places like that.
Portfolio website COMPLETE....er...well....mostly anyway. Enough for the interview on monday. I'll get it all up and running sometime today with the help of the Patron Goddess and all can bask in the glow...yayness ARRR!!! love skull
Yup...the same. I love this building. I actually lived here for two years and then moved out this last summer....lived in two other places unsuccesfully and then moved back in with my new husband.....ACROSS THE HALL FROM MY OLD APARTMENT! hehe

T's is a bar/restaurant/lounge on the corner of Clark and Winnemac. It serves food that is SO tasty (though perhaps a bit pricey for me) and has a great crowd. I love going there because on any given night you don't know whos gonna be there. Straight couples, softball lesbians, neighboorhood gay boys, fetish queens, punks, dominatrices ( that is the plural of dominatrix right?).....any kind of person you can think of shows up there at some point or another. Its great. The best example is one night when they had a cubs game on and all the softball lesbians were in watching. Suddenly a mass of people in high fetish wear descended upon T's, having recently come from the premiere of <a href="http://www.dominatrixwaitrix.com">Dominatrix Waitrix</a>, and took over the bar. It was a blast.

So namely it is my favourite spot in the neighboorhood.

Your ex didn't happen to live in 2E did she.....cause if she did that was my old place. eeek
hey! quickie hint: when you write people back, do it in their journals. Otherwise they'll never know (unless, like me, they suspect that you may have written back in their own since it's been a couple days and you haven't heard from them and you know they're new around here (sorry, was that confusing?))

For some reason I can't place T's. I know A'ville pretty well--grew up there (one block over from the current awfulness, which is scary to think about) and still hang out there a lot (Simon's, Kopi, &c). Sounds fun, though.

Nadine lives on the third floor, so I guess that's a no. I'm sure you've seen her around, though. She's a little German hottie wink
HAPPY DAY!!! After months of deprivation I have finally laid my hands on another copy of my favourite photo editing program which shall remain nameless. biggrin God damned service pak 2....I curse you and your crashiness. ARRR!!!
hello new friend.... Happy late valentine's day
........(growls in feral manner) So my portfolio is darn lucky that it lives in my laptop. Otherwise it might have been defaced and burned upon the altar of the dark gods. Of course it's not the portfolio's fault and it is because it lives in my computer that the anxiety and frustration runs rampant.

question to self....why do you always try and teach yourself new computer programs without reading the manual...silly boy won't you ever learn ARRR!!! love skull
So apparently I have to jot something down in here to be able to communicate effectively with folks here. HA! ARRR!!! I already have one of these thingies and am not about to manage two. SO if you want journals then go to live journal and look up ZEPHSRIGHT. Go on...run....work for it...
good start, see how people can say hi and you can start making friends and everything smile