i got to pet the groundhog out in punxsatawney. my friend lives out there and we went out for groundhog day this weekend. i almost got a chance to steal the groundhog on saturday. or maybe friday. but i did not. they bite. the event is so not like how it is in the movie. in the movie they're all smart and do it in the center of town. in real life you have to trek out into the freakin woods in the cold at like 4 in the morning to get anywhere near the event and just hope whatever liquor you brought lasts till 7. it was pretty fun though.
aww...i go on aim sometimes (usually at least once a day) but i never see you online!!!!!! *cries* i totally miss you hun. here's hoping we're both online at the same time very soon! i hope you're doing well. you're in my thoughts. xoxoxoxo
ps. have you been working on any new comics i could take a peeeeeek at? they always make me smile...and i could really use some smiles these days...