Can I get a mother fuckin' amen?

I think I may have aquired a job. A decent one, too!

Dude, show me your weenis!

In other news, I go tomarrow to see Tom Waits in Memphis. The revelation has come upon me.
My joy is with me, but I am still losing my mind. Pease help.
Yea, your blog made me think of that. That shit always takes me back.

And good luck with your new endeavors. It's nice when shit like that works out.

All the wackos are out here!

Also, congratzi on the jobzi.
My brain is malfunctioning.

I'll get back to you later.

I need a thorazine and whiskey cocktail.
That's right!!

SPOILERS! (Click to view)
You fucking nut you!! tongue

Ya know, I don't mean to be gross but . . .

You should never yell out "I have diarrhea" . . .

unless you're playing Scrabble. . .

SPOILERS! (Click to view)
Because it's worth a shit load of points

Another day of nothing much to say. I lived on beer and waffle fries today, and look something like the ultimate form of bachelor degeneration. I did clean house a bit today while feeling determined to carify my existence, to make a little space within which to do something. I need to forsake my easy comforts, my pacifiers. I seem to be running from something...
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Well, I used Photoshop to up the contrast so the colors are enhanced, but I didn't do any painting or altering of the actual image. So my irises might actually be that wild, albeit in more muted/less brilliantly emerald tones.

Unfortunately. I'd love to be able to Photoshop myself into various intense colorings whenever I felt like it. wink
Fucking genius . . .

I realized you and I made some excellent points that nobody gave a shit about . .

So I took the liberty of quoting you on my blog . . . hope you don't mind.
Got them empty cage blues...
but no new news...

Yup, that's about right. The corpse in the back yard has so far eluded the dogs and I have judged it to be safe from desecration. Also, did you know that wine libations stain? Who would have thought! My need for a job is more desperate than ever as I have absolutely no cash left at...
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Hilarious and terribly sweet.
It may have been a brown recluse. The bite was really scabby & gross. All the lymph nodes on my neck swelled up into big lumps...including ones I never knew existed. I ran a fever and had horrible fatigue for a couple of weeks...so yeah, it must've been a bad one. puke
This has been a fucked up day. My rat, named Ra'at, has had a tumor and I knew she was going soon. I checked on her today and discovered that she had been bleeding all over her cage. The lump had developed a pretty nasty external sore. She was obviously going to die soon and she was clearly in some pain which would only get...
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Oh, no. I'm so sorry to hear that.

I'm back to considering going back to school, again. My friends and family agree that I would make one hell of a philosophy prof, a couple of friends even got all excited when I mentioned the idea to them and said they might have to go back to school to take one of my classes. I promised to let them audit. I agree that I...
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Haha too late it's already sold! biggrin Good luck on the schooling by the way.
Oh my god it BURNS!!! FUCK!!!
I think I'm addicted to driving myself insane. But why can't I start living a successful life in surreality NOW, daddy??? I WANT A FUCKING UMPA LUMPA RIGHT GODDAMN NOW, DADDY!!! Oh hell, daddy's not here. What the fuck. I'm gonna kick that goddamn bunny in the head. Loud music, cheap beer, unemployment on a Friday. Wait, is it...
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Now, could you tell me what I should be when I grow up? Options include nurse, philosophy prof, psychotic street bum, small time porn site owner, writer, musician, or goat cheese maker. Tell me now!!!

Well, the thing is, you could definitely combine a number of those things. The psychotic street bum is probably its own occupation, since having another occupation would give you an income and you wouldn't then have to live on the streets. However, there are many, many combinations of the other options that would work quite well.

I'm partial to the goat-cheese-making, porn-site-running philosophy prof, myself. The only philosophy prof I ever had just drank a lot, I think, but he should have been making goat cheese and managing a porn site, too, in my opinion.

I think you are a diabolical genius, lol. Necia, maybe not quite as diabolical, but a genius none the less.
Am I irritating and/or creepy?

Just wondering.
I think you're funny. I especially enjoyed reading about the cute little alien that jumped out of your scrotum when you shaved it.
I want one of the creepy but brilliant talking jelly friends. Can I pay you later?

I also enjoy flowing through the universe unimpeded, but instead of merely fantasizing about it I do it at every altered-state opportunity.

I know what you were saying about the feeling of lack being common, but even so, I fucking protest! And I get mad and yell at God in my head when life sucks too much, no drinking required. The whiskey part sounds maybe more fun.

It is my intention to stop speaking coherently.

Blah blah blah, and such. I hate how reasonable I've been acting lately. If I keep this up I'll wind up living in a clean home and maybe even get a decent job or something. Maybe I'll put sheets on my bed and meet a nice lady. I've already stopped being hungover or drunk all the time....
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Friends are just enemies that don't have the guts to kill you!!

Hey! Stop that! Asshole!

Oh, me and my surene butterscotch empire. I am crushing you under the wieght of my appalling knowledge. Um, I have cereal on top of the fridge. Grape Nuts.

I have absolutely no idea what I think about things. I ate at a nice restaurant. Late at night, I...
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I don't know why you can't see the picture here, but it's also in my photos, in the attachment album. Try that if you want. It's just a cool sci-fi looking chick.
hm. I see the picture, I don't know about that picture...

it's not very nice.

...in a few years you will be thinking deeply on a semi-irregular basis and you'll begin to think the time you wandered in bewilderness was a figmentos of your imagination.