BOO!!! Gotcha!
My new job is as good as could be hoped for. I'm a prep cook at a very cool place, working with good people, making good pay (buying bling, of course). I can't complain.
I've added an aim account, so you may now talk to me in real time if you feel excited to do so. Won't that be amazing?
Women are trying to eat my brain lately. Gratifying.
Otherwise, not much worth mentioning.
My new job is as good as could be hoped for. I'm a prep cook at a very cool place, working with good people, making good pay (buying bling, of course). I can't complain.
I've added an aim account, so you may now talk to me in real time if you feel excited to do so. Won't that be amazing?
Women are trying to eat my brain lately. Gratifying.
Otherwise, not much worth mentioning.
I HAVE seen it, I love it, although I was referring to the part that was based on Paganini, the infamous Violinist who was known to have a violin, and talent to go with, that was given to him in a pact, something that they admitted was the basis for 'that' story in The Red Violin....
And Yeah, Paganini is a true tale...Google it, and seeing The Red Violin will take on a whole new meaning...(Seriously, Paganini is THEE guy who the whole 'Devil Vs. Violinist' story....Plus? He is a fantastic Violinist, and he was, chastisized and accused of being in covenance with the Devil...Just like good ol Grandier and Loudon.)
I am quite positive it is now familiar to you...(C'mon, we ALL know THAT tale.)
Interesting discussion goin on, thinking of 'Spillin the Beans'....(Now that it is back to Private, But still...Man, I don't think Ill name any names to protect myself,
Oh! and I was just bein cheeky bout that Kitchen stuff....I actually know more than I thought I would ever know bout Kitchens cause my roomate is a chef..(well, line cook, whatever...) I know there are still some fine people in the food industry.
My mama is dead, so I would say that YOU were complainin about the alleged 'Squishiness' you speak of...
Hope she made'thing'?