skip first paragraph to avoid work insanity.
H O L Y crap. So it's been a month since I updated. I'm pretty sure I've worked somewhere near 350 hours in that month. That's a lot. No seriously. This week was a 110 hour week. More than 2.5 full time jobs.
moving on.
Going to the Lex tonight for something fun... too delirious to remember what. Going to a burlesque thing tomorrow night at the DNA, and going to clean my house for the first time in a month on sunday
I still have to work a little on sunday, but I may have a FULL DAY OFF tomorrow. Yeah, I'm pretty excited.
Anyway... we announced our game, and while I'm not super psyched about all aspects of the website (like the front guy) the game kicks ass. Gods and Heroes: Rome Rising
H O L Y crap. So it's been a month since I updated. I'm pretty sure I've worked somewhere near 350 hours in that month. That's a lot. No seriously. This week was a 110 hour week. More than 2.5 full time jobs.
moving on.
Going to the Lex tonight for something fun... too delirious to remember what. Going to a burlesque thing tomorrow night at the DNA, and going to clean my house for the first time in a month on sunday

Anyway... we announced our game, and while I'm not super psyched about all aspects of the website (like the front guy) the game kicks ass. Gods and Heroes: Rome Rising
Happy fucking Easter!!

nah, duder! i'm all set.
i have a few odds and ends to pick up this week, but i have tue[my birthday!]/wed/thur off so i'm sure i'll get everything situated. now to begin the unpacking...