work instead of burning man. not quite a good exchange. although the detriments of not having done it would have made my work upon returning considerably more laborious... not sure.
Sometimes I become very aware of the fact that I need psychological help when it comes to my overbearing work ethic/mentality. It's definitely not healthy.
I am glad to have not been stressing for the last 4 days about getting ready to go though... and I am glad that I'm not going to be broke come monday, which was the way it would have been.
Man do I need a vacation though.
I should probably change that horrid picture of me too, as it's not helping my current attitude.
man I'm bummed... I think I was looking forward to my little vacation more than I realized.
I'm thinking I should go draw or something. stop staring at this computer. yes. of course, I have to finish this scene before I can leave work.
of course.
I wanted to end on a happy note, but I'm obviously not capable at the moment, so I'll just say that moods like this only last for about a day with me, and I'll be more jazzed next time

yep yep i will be there
Hey, you should take a break and come out to the bigfoot lodge! You need a break! But mostly I need a place to stay. But still, take a break! We worry about you!