cova show = good times
bbq = good times
brunch = good times
having a ton of shit to get done and not able to relax on a sunday = suck
do you ever notice over-arching trends in the people around you and your interaction with them?
weirds me out. i'll have like 2 weeks of things feeling smooth and good, and then everything will suddenly feel awkward and contrived for a couple of weeks. happens regularly. it's not that anything 'bad' or 'good' happens... just a general sense of nothing flowing right sometimes. like all the conversations feel awkward and I feel like no-one is connecting... then it will just shift and everything feels right... strange shit. i guess since it's so non-descript, maybe it's just in my head, but it sure as hell seems more than that (yes, I guess ultimately it's all in my head, but still).
k... must get sheit done.
bbq = good times
brunch = good times
having a ton of shit to get done and not able to relax on a sunday = suck
do you ever notice over-arching trends in the people around you and your interaction with them?
weirds me out. i'll have like 2 weeks of things feeling smooth and good, and then everything will suddenly feel awkward and contrived for a couple of weeks. happens regularly. it's not that anything 'bad' or 'good' happens... just a general sense of nothing flowing right sometimes. like all the conversations feel awkward and I feel like no-one is connecting... then it will just shift and everything feels right... strange shit. i guess since it's so non-descript, maybe it's just in my head, but it sure as hell seems more than that (yes, I guess ultimately it's all in my head, but still).
k... must get sheit done.

hey, sorry i didn't get back to you last cell phone is on the fritz and randomly shuts off for no apparent reason. yeah, i can watch her. any way that your neighbor can watch her until saturday, though? i have a late night on friday and i work all day sat.
I can be there for her Saturday night. Does that answer your question?
I'll give you a call later today.