sometimes, when my brain tries to talk to me,things get all mixed up and I put the cereal box in the fridge.
this is one of those times.
I don't think that's what they meant by cold cereal. It's the fucking sinuses. I'm going to have to borrow lambretta's sandblaster and remove my sinuses... it's the only appropriate course of action.
on the plus side, I've taken some fancy cold medicine which should be making me feel funny and drowsy in the next hour. I'm going to turn on some colored lights and music and pretend I'm out on the town.
oh, and my hair has progressed/degressed to orange, which I like. although I may have to dye it again soon and this time use the proper shampoo.
this is one of those times.
I don't think that's what they meant by cold cereal. It's the fucking sinuses. I'm going to have to borrow lambretta's sandblaster and remove my sinuses... it's the only appropriate course of action.
on the plus side, I've taken some fancy cold medicine which should be making me feel funny and drowsy in the next hour. I'm going to turn on some colored lights and music and pretend I'm out on the town.
oh, and my hair has progressed/degressed to orange, which I like. although I may have to dye it again soon and this time use the proper shampoo.
i used the reverse i-link upload feature that the site just implemented to scan your retina and get your credit card numbers. thanks for playing, sucka.
note: i am thrilled to report that i can no longer offer a discount on art supplies in any way. go me!! hoorah! end of a dark dark era!