After looking into a number of the statements made in the zeitgeist movie, I wanted to post some info, along with a simple statement:
The point of the video is really to say 'Question what you are told.' -- nobody should trust it any more than the official lines, but it is at least telling you to look into it, which I respect.
Things I've found:
Section 1 - Most of this is taken from 1 book (The Christ Conspiracy by Acharya S.). It's been refuted for a number of reasons, but it definitely has a good bit of foundation. It's biggest issue is that it takes it's data from historians instead of the actual artifacts and ancient writings. It sounds like some of it's information on how much the ancient cultures understood the celestial 'ages' and when they understood it is not provable and earlier than known dates too. Many of the astronomical points are accurate, and overall I think the theory makes sense, but I have felt for a long time that much of the bible was an amalgamation of previous and parallel religions, and that it is mostly allegories to functionally improve social existence and survival (not to say that god does or doesn't exist... I am a true agnostic and don't believe I can know either way, although I lean toward no. However I don't believe any one doctrine 'has it right'... that has seemed ridiculous to me since I got out of my childhood submersion in christianity). Many of the specific facts about Horus seem to be unverifiable, but I haven't actually looked into the ancient texts and probably never will
Section 2 - While there are some interesting theories in here, I feel like very little of it is backed up with solid evidence in the movie, and not nearly enough of the speaking sources are identified. However, when looking into it more I found this site which contains a TON of direct quotes from former military personnel, engineers and specialists of all kinds that provide very direct and specific reasons for questioning the validity of the official scenario. I didn't realize just how little evidence had ever been released or provided by the government to support the official public story... it's pretty astounding that the news hasn't covered any of the holes in the evidence and story. I still have one big problem with the 'conspiracy' theories though. Most of the issues revolve around the lack of evidence of the actual existence of aircraft at the pentagon and pennsylvania crash sites, and at the scientific feasibility of the building collapses as directly caused by the plane crashes -- Why would the government NEED to go to this much of an additional extreme to guarantee war (the motivation suggested)... wouldn't just having the planes crash into the towers do that? It seems like a lot of instability to interject into the system, and a lot of additional complications when it's kind of above and beyond what is considered 'an act of war'. Anyway -- read the stuff at if you're interested... it's definitely amazing to hear the specific questions and people who are asking them.
Section 3 - I haven't gotten to look into this one much yet, even though I think it's the most important from a day-to-day existence point of view for me. I did look into the 'North American Union' thing because it was kind of unbelievable. At this point I think it is basically just a trade agreement and I don't believe it's signing breaks any trusts between the exec branch and the congress or people. I think the reason that both the video's author and dobbs are harping on it is that the mentalities and quotes that have been asserted along with it's creation demonstrate a much more 'full-featured' eventual implementation which would lead to the Amero and fully open trade situations. I'm still dubious of the claims that it would invalidate the constitution, although I honestly (and sadly) don't know about the specifics of how the European Union mitigates or affects the sovereignty of the European countries under it. As for the RFID chips implanted in people, that is going to take some convincing. I think the RFID chip has a pretty limited range too, so 'tracking your every move' is probably more severe than it really is (referring to the ones in your passport), but it is a bit creepy to me to broadcast my identity from my passport. I think the Federal Reserve stuff and the overall control of the currency and economy is simultaneously the most frightening stuff in the entire video, and the most obvious. It's kind of hard to imagine how to affect a change on this though. I haven't looked into it enough and will post entirely about it later.
And yes, I am being highly reactive to all of this. If any of it actually proves accurate, it's the kind of stuff I want to act on, so I want to figure out if it is. Plus, it's just interesting
The point of the video is really to say 'Question what you are told.' -- nobody should trust it any more than the official lines, but it is at least telling you to look into it, which I respect.
Things I've found:
Section 1 - Most of this is taken from 1 book (The Christ Conspiracy by Acharya S.). It's been refuted for a number of reasons, but it definitely has a good bit of foundation. It's biggest issue is that it takes it's data from historians instead of the actual artifacts and ancient writings. It sounds like some of it's information on how much the ancient cultures understood the celestial 'ages' and when they understood it is not provable and earlier than known dates too. Many of the astronomical points are accurate, and overall I think the theory makes sense, but I have felt for a long time that much of the bible was an amalgamation of previous and parallel religions, and that it is mostly allegories to functionally improve social existence and survival (not to say that god does or doesn't exist... I am a true agnostic and don't believe I can know either way, although I lean toward no. However I don't believe any one doctrine 'has it right'... that has seemed ridiculous to me since I got out of my childhood submersion in christianity). Many of the specific facts about Horus seem to be unverifiable, but I haven't actually looked into the ancient texts and probably never will

Section 2 - While there are some interesting theories in here, I feel like very little of it is backed up with solid evidence in the movie, and not nearly enough of the speaking sources are identified. However, when looking into it more I found this site which contains a TON of direct quotes from former military personnel, engineers and specialists of all kinds that provide very direct and specific reasons for questioning the validity of the official scenario. I didn't realize just how little evidence had ever been released or provided by the government to support the official public story... it's pretty astounding that the news hasn't covered any of the holes in the evidence and story. I still have one big problem with the 'conspiracy' theories though. Most of the issues revolve around the lack of evidence of the actual existence of aircraft at the pentagon and pennsylvania crash sites, and at the scientific feasibility of the building collapses as directly caused by the plane crashes -- Why would the government NEED to go to this much of an additional extreme to guarantee war (the motivation suggested)... wouldn't just having the planes crash into the towers do that? It seems like a lot of instability to interject into the system, and a lot of additional complications when it's kind of above and beyond what is considered 'an act of war'. Anyway -- read the stuff at if you're interested... it's definitely amazing to hear the specific questions and people who are asking them.
Section 3 - I haven't gotten to look into this one much yet, even though I think it's the most important from a day-to-day existence point of view for me. I did look into the 'North American Union' thing because it was kind of unbelievable. At this point I think it is basically just a trade agreement and I don't believe it's signing breaks any trusts between the exec branch and the congress or people. I think the reason that both the video's author and dobbs are harping on it is that the mentalities and quotes that have been asserted along with it's creation demonstrate a much more 'full-featured' eventual implementation which would lead to the Amero and fully open trade situations. I'm still dubious of the claims that it would invalidate the constitution, although I honestly (and sadly) don't know about the specifics of how the European Union mitigates or affects the sovereignty of the European countries under it. As for the RFID chips implanted in people, that is going to take some convincing. I think the RFID chip has a pretty limited range too, so 'tracking your every move' is probably more severe than it really is (referring to the ones in your passport), but it is a bit creepy to me to broadcast my identity from my passport. I think the Federal Reserve stuff and the overall control of the currency and economy is simultaneously the most frightening stuff in the entire video, and the most obvious. It's kind of hard to imagine how to affect a change on this though. I haven't looked into it enough and will post entirely about it later.
And yes, I am being highly reactive to all of this. If any of it actually proves accurate, it's the kind of stuff I want to act on, so I want to figure out if it is. Plus, it's just interesting

and dude, buy the legacy. C'est tres bien voiture.