Scene Points?!?!?! WTF?
Sitting at the smokers table downstairs at the dorms earlier today, a girl asked me if I wanted to go see a local band, I really don't like their music, so I told her I didn't wanna go, that I didn't think they were all that great. So she told me that I lost "scene points." WTF are "scene points"? Is that not the craziest thing you ever heard? a guy losing "scene points" because he doesn't want to go see a crappy punk band? wtf is with all the scene kid/hipsters at college anyway? We had one kid go from completely prep to "punk" in a week, went out bought some airwalks, got his ear pierced, and got a black fatigue hat, all to impress one girl. WTF?!?!
Sitting at the smokers table downstairs at the dorms earlier today, a girl asked me if I wanted to go see a local band, I really don't like their music, so I told her I didn't wanna go, that I didn't think they were all that great. So she told me that I lost "scene points." WTF are "scene points"? Is that not the craziest thing you ever heard? a guy losing "scene points" because he doesn't want to go see a crappy punk band? wtf is with all the scene kid/hipsters at college anyway? We had one kid go from completely prep to "punk" in a week, went out bought some airwalks, got his ear pierced, and got a black fatigue hat, all to impress one girl. WTF?!?!
I think 'Scene Points' are redeamable at Hot Topic for "Supposedly Cool Shit Worn by People Who Want to Look Like They Are Individuals Rather Than The Close Minded Sheep They Are". But I could be wrong. And if I'm right, well fuck, those points would just never get used anyway, right 

Damn. Been a while, man. Well, Happy Halloween!