Friday Jun 18, 2004 Jun 18, 2004 0 Facebook Tweet Email Boooooored. Bored. Bored. Bored. VIEW 8 of 8 COMMENTS _mrs_tlb_: ty! im not seeing the pacey lookalike but he certainly is adorable (if i say so myself! ) and he definately has a big furry belly!! oo ive just looked at your pics and you are adorable! a lot of people dont pull off short hair well but its looks really good on you! Jun 18, 2004 _mrs_tlb_: kind of... but still not really! lol hes hairy lol Jun 18, 2004
im not seeing the pacey lookalike but he certainly is adorable (if i say so myself!
oo ive just looked at your pics and you are adorable! a lot of people dont pull off short hair well but its looks really good on you!