What are your overall views on marriage? My view on marriage is from the inside.
Are you married/I am/ is marriage something you want? Yeahclearly.
Do you like the symbolism of wedding rings? Yes, it may not be PC or enlightened, but it is like a whoa there to anybody eyeballing your spouse. Why or why not? Covered that.
What do you think is the best age, ideally, to get married? (In general.) Man, you cannot put an age on that: some are still children in their 40s. Some people cannot take care of themselves much less take on a partner at any age. Other people have all the ducks in a row much earlier in life.
Which is worse: shotgun wedding at 17, or meeting your partner when youre in your sixties? Why are both of those bad? Screw you judgmental question person.
What are your overall views on marriage? My view on marriage is from the inside.
Are you married/I am/ is marriage something you want? Yeahclearly.
Do you like the symbolism of wedding rings? Yes, it may not be PC or enlightened, but it is like a whoa there to anybody eyeballing your spouse. Why or why not? Covered that.
What do you think is the best age, ideally, to get married? (In general.) Man, you cannot put an age on that: some are still children in their 40s. Some people cannot take care of themselves much less take on a partner at any age. Other people have all the ducks in a row much earlier in life.
Which is worse: shotgun wedding at 17, or meeting your partner when youre in your sixties? Why are both of those bad? Screw you judgmental question person.
Me too! And I wish I could rhyme like 'em.