Where do I start? About three years ago my Dad died after seven years of defiance of logic and medical know how. I decided after speaking with siblings and family that I should go see a shrink. It was both horrible and great. You see, I only went once, and don't really mind if I never go back again. We talked for about an hour but I will give you the only parts I remember and took with me. She told me that she was not sure if she wanted to take me on as a client because she didn't think that I would make it another 5 years before I ate myself into the grave. She also said that she thought I had been hiding behind my weight and a dinner plate from the world at large because of my daddy issues. At the time I was shocked and dismayed. I kinda walked around of balance for a bit and then told both my wife and a sister what all she had told me. They were outraged. Now, I look back and see that she was right on the mark. So, 165 lbs lost, personal outlook altered, discipline in progress, and belief system altered, I am ready for the world. Aren't I? I have been sitting back and waiting for life to happen. It is time to take things head on. I am not gonna lie to you. It has been great fun sitting on the bench. I am ready to get more out of life.
More Blogs
Friday Jul 08, 2011
1. What phobia do you have? I am freaked about the idea of my hands … -
Wednesday Jun 22, 2011
Dear boss and TV star, You have been mentally and emotionally absent… -
Monday May 02, 2011
United What are your overall views on marriage? My view on mar… -
Saturday Apr 23, 2011
1. Which song or musical artist always reminds you of a specific pers… -
Tuesday Apr 19, 2011
The 30th song in your playlist: Manhattan by Kings of Leon off of On… -
Wednesday Apr 06, 2011
So, if my math is correct (and I went to Collinsville Public Schools … -
Monday Apr 04, 2011
Today I am just sideways. Pretty early in the day I was of the opinio… -
Wednesday Mar 30, 2011
1.) What smell brings you a fond memory? A mix of cut grass and dust… -
Monday Mar 21, 2011
# Most inspirational quote for you? When I do good, I feel good; when… -
Wednesday Mar 09, 2011
Words! 1. What word irks you everytime you hear someone say it?…