Timing is sometimes the key to everything. SometimesYou may meet someone and think; Wow, they are great. What thoughts come next will let you know if the timing is right. If your next thought is any of the following then it is not the right time:
How can I screw this up?
I must get them in bed as quickly as possible.
But I dont want to be tied down right now.
I wonder if Mom will like them.
Here are some thoughts that are more on the upside:
Why have I met this person until now?
(2 hours later) Oh, man is that really the time?
Feels like Ive known this person forever
They get it!
I wonder what they are doing for the rest of their life
In most cases you will not see the other person coming at all. Take my situation: I had just been examining my life and came to this monologue:
I am a loser. I am about to turn 19. I go to a junior college. I make barely over minimum wage slinging pizza. I still live with my parents. I dont see any of that changing anytime soon. Many people will tell you that to be loved you must love yourself first. Hell, they even make movies about this theory. I cannot vouch for this. I just wanted to be with her and didnt consider that I might be worthy of her affection until much later.
How can I screw this up?
I must get them in bed as quickly as possible.
But I dont want to be tied down right now.
I wonder if Mom will like them.
Here are some thoughts that are more on the upside:
Why have I met this person until now?
(2 hours later) Oh, man is that really the time?
Feels like Ive known this person forever
They get it!
I wonder what they are doing for the rest of their life
In most cases you will not see the other person coming at all. Take my situation: I had just been examining my life and came to this monologue:
I am a loser. I am about to turn 19. I go to a junior college. I make barely over minimum wage slinging pizza. I still live with my parents. I dont see any of that changing anytime soon. Many people will tell you that to be loved you must love yourself first. Hell, they even make movies about this theory. I cannot vouch for this. I just wanted to be with her and didnt consider that I might be worthy of her affection until much later.