You are not always going to be on the same page. Every relationship will have moments when both parties wonder: What the hell are they thinking? The key is how one handles these moments. I personally see these situations as car wrecks and treat them as such. First, dont deny there is a wreck. Ignoring something never makes it go away. Stop! You cannot just keep going about your merry way because guess what.All is not merry right now. Gently, with much caution, make sure everyone is okay. This goes for you and her. Also, just like a car wreck sometimes the hurt is not readily evident. Again be gentle and dont over do it. Take stock of what is damaged. Can you pull out of traffic or do you need to handle things right there where they are? Did you just compare her to her mother? You may need a whole new front end. Next is really the most important part of the process. Exchange information with each other. Continuously ramming each other will do nothing but cause more damage. Yelling and assigning blame gets nothing fixed. It is what it is, right now you both need to fix and clean up the mess.
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