Is everybody in? Is everybody in? The show is about to begin. Alright, I know I have said this before. I love the Twilight books. I recently was reading some tweets from McCainBlogette when she posted: Best quote ever: when a girl tells me she's into twilight, its like her telling me she's into goosebump books I have no idea who that guy is, but I was irked. So, I decided to share why I like them. Okay, not like, I love these books. I identify with these characters. In reading Twilight I recall the feelings of falling in love. The feeling of being completely in awe of another person, the feeling of shock to discover they have interest in you. That feeling of electricity from just being in the same room as them and it is all so new. You think you might explode if you touch them and yet you fear you might wither if you dont. This book contains all the butterflies, the fear, the euphoria, the highs of new love. It reminds me of those first feelings I had for the woman that is now my wife. I am grateful for this book. It reminds me how grateful I am for her.
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