Soyeah, I think social networking sites might be the crack of nerds. I joined another recently (those of you stalking me know that makes four). This is thus far the most entertaining. is the latest one I have jumped on. There is a remix tab where you can post your own remix of NIN songs or listen to other people's remix takes. I have had it pulled up nearly all day. Saved my bacon it has. I was not ready for the world today. I think it might be my new Batman. Maybe I should clarify that. Nothing new to you stalkers but for those that have not gone thru my garbage or driven by the house I grew up in because you were in the neighborhood (it's on a dead end dirt road). I am a big Batman fan. One of the reasons is that everyone has their own view of Bats. Some like the campy holy shark bait version. At the other end of the spectrum is the Frank Miller The Dark Knight Returns version. Today is EmJay's birthday and we aren't really doing anything. The idea is to put any gift money to vacation funds for October. War Eagle Craft Fair here we come. Anybody get a chance to see the new generation of iPods? The new nano is the poop. So many wonderful toys in this reality there are. Well, hope everyone has a safe and happy life for the next few days. I for one plan on much avoiding harsh realities as much as possible.
More Blogs
Wednesday Jul 14, 2010
My dear sweet grandma had some things that she would repeat for the b… -
Monday Jul 12, 2010
1. If you had to have a Siamese Twin, who would you want it to be and… -
Friday Jun 25, 2010
1. When is your usual bedtime? Between 10:30 and 11:00 2. How many … -
Wednesday Jun 09, 2010
1) If you could turn invisible, what would you do with this ability? … -
Wednesday Jun 02, 2010
1. What side dish do you like the most: potato salad, macaroni salad,… -
Tuesday May 25, 2010
1. If time-travel was possible, what band/singer from the PAST would … -
Wednesday May 12, 2010
Random! 1. What is your favorite book and why? The Partly Cloudy Pa… -
Monday Apr 26, 2010
Cooking/Food, again. 1. Tea or Coffee or juice in the morning, and w… -
Friday Apr 16, 2010
1.What was your favorite cartoon as a child? Underdog, GI Joe, Trans… -
Friday Apr 16, 2010
Whenever I am running a cash till and it is clear that the person I a…