Who the hell is running things around here? When did I become an adult? My grandparents have all passed. My parent's health is of concern. I nearly died myself just last week. "Multiple organ failure" is not a term you want to hear tied to yourself. Have you ever seen my signature? Did you know it really isn't mine? My signature is the mutation of one my father created for me. When I was in fifth grade he decided I needed my own mark. I literally sat at a kitchen table and practiced my new mark. I purposely changed parts to better suit myself. Nonetheless, the foundation is his impeccable scribe. My knowledge of football, Dad taught me everything. How did I get here? Why can I not have a good vacation? Is this some karma I am working off? My name is not Earl. The 18th was the one year anniversary of my Dad's death. I hate watermelon. Make a little birdhouse in your soul. I love the spring and fall. It is as if the Earth itself is confused and trying to balance itself. Really, I am getting paid for this? Really, you find two forms for a vacation, the dates overlap, and one has your own handwriting stating it is wrong and you still call me to ask if I took two weeks that OVERLAP! What? I can bend the space time continuum-but can't do simple addition and subtraction under 80! Are you kidding me? Meanwhile, back at the villa. Find your truth and live it. Your truth will not look or feel like mine. Guilt, shame, fear, and ignorance are marks of darkness. But without the dark how would we recognize the light of truth, honor, and acceptance?
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My dear sweet grandma had some things that she would repeat for the b… -
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Friday Apr 16, 2010
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