Well, despite my chest pounding and yelling at the sky it was not I that struck first. EmJay (AKA the wife, AKA sugarmama) has dibs on first blood with a promotion at her job. Real locking cabinets, keys and everything folks, larger workspace, more network kung fu, and a salary. I tip my hat. Congratulations babygirl! I feel so vindicated when someone else gets a glimpse of what I see in you all the time. Now I don't want to go putting a jinx on anything but I may have to stop hating February if things keep going in this direction. January was a load of hard work and personal hangover. Now February has a smell of rose. Now, if you will excuse me I have to get back to putting together my cocoon so I may transform into a bullet with butterfly wings.
More Blogs
Wednesday Jul 14, 2010
My dear sweet grandma had some things that she would repeat for the b… -
Monday Jul 12, 2010
1. If you had to have a Siamese Twin, who would you want it to be and… -
Friday Jun 25, 2010
1. When is your usual bedtime? Between 10:30 and 11:00 2. How many … -
Wednesday Jun 09, 2010
1) If you could turn invisible, what would you do with this ability? … -
Wednesday Jun 02, 2010
1. What side dish do you like the most: potato salad, macaroni salad,… -
Tuesday May 25, 2010
1. If time-travel was possible, what band/singer from the PAST would … -
Wednesday May 12, 2010
Random! 1. What is your favorite book and why? The Partly Cloudy Pa… -
Monday Apr 26, 2010
Cooking/Food, again. 1. Tea or Coffee or juice in the morning, and w… -
Friday Apr 16, 2010
1.What was your favorite cartoon as a child? Underdog, GI Joe, Trans… -
Friday Apr 16, 2010
Whenever I am running a cash till and it is clear that the person I a…