Sleep on it
1. What position do you usually sleep in?
Kind of a combo on my belly on my side with one arm under the pillow and the other on top of the pillow.
2. How soundly do you usually sleep?
I used to wake easily due to movement. Now, I can doze off at a rave.
3. What kind of bed and bedding do you prefer (e.g., hard or soft bed, thick or thin comforter, feather or foam pillows, etc.)? Why?
Just get me still and off of my feet. That is all that is needed.
4. Do you usually sleep alone or with others (people or animals)? Which way do you sleep better? Why?
I sleep with the sugarmama (formerly known as the wife) and usually a cat. I like no cat; but what can you do? If you lock the cat out he cries loud enough to keep you awake.
5. Do you usually find it easy to sleep in strange situations (e.g. on a plane, in a tent, etc.)? Why or why not?
I can sleep just about anywhere. Planes, tents, waiting rooms, parking lots, you name it. If I am still and not standing I am go for sleep.
1. Do you believe you can have more than one soulmate in life?
I think each person has five chances to meet that one special person to spend your life with.
2. Are you with that soulmate now?
See above theory - I am with one of the five and so grateful I had my eyes open at the right time.
3. IF not, how long did your relationship with your soulmate last?
Question doesn't apply to my situation.
4. Do you still think about your soulmate, if you are not together?
I do. I see her everyday. Every morning I wake up next to her is a gift.
5. IF you're not together, do you think your soulmate still thinks about you?
Question doesn't apply to my situation. This questionnaire is a lonely person. Sad.
1. What position do you usually sleep in?
Kind of a combo on my belly on my side with one arm under the pillow and the other on top of the pillow.
2. How soundly do you usually sleep?
I used to wake easily due to movement. Now, I can doze off at a rave.
3. What kind of bed and bedding do you prefer (e.g., hard or soft bed, thick or thin comforter, feather or foam pillows, etc.)? Why?
Just get me still and off of my feet. That is all that is needed.
4. Do you usually sleep alone or with others (people or animals)? Which way do you sleep better? Why?
I sleep with the sugarmama (formerly known as the wife) and usually a cat. I like no cat; but what can you do? If you lock the cat out he cries loud enough to keep you awake.
5. Do you usually find it easy to sleep in strange situations (e.g. on a plane, in a tent, etc.)? Why or why not?
I can sleep just about anywhere. Planes, tents, waiting rooms, parking lots, you name it. If I am still and not standing I am go for sleep.
1. Do you believe you can have more than one soulmate in life?
I think each person has five chances to meet that one special person to spend your life with.
2. Are you with that soulmate now?
See above theory - I am with one of the five and so grateful I had my eyes open at the right time.
3. IF not, how long did your relationship with your soulmate last?
Question doesn't apply to my situation.
4. Do you still think about your soulmate, if you are not together?
I do. I see her everyday. Every morning I wake up next to her is a gift.
5. IF you're not together, do you think your soulmate still thinks about you?
Question doesn't apply to my situation. This questionnaire is a lonely person. Sad.