horray christmas is over for another year
and i couldn't be happier
sorry i just can't stand holidays
they are just a pain in the ass
still i hope everyone had a good christmas
xoxo later kids
like i say in my journal - xmas stresses me out, but i love the new year... so we survived, and now we ramp up. smile
New start, I like like the way you think. I'm still trying to convince myself that this is what I want. confused

Thanks for your kind words, sweetie.

And have a very Happy New Year!!

kiss kiss kiss

hello darlings
i am feelin soo much better now no more sickness hourra
went by my friend dave's suprise birthdaypart last night
haad a wonderfull time
saw all sorts of people i havent seen in ages years even
and found out i've been livin next doorto to my friend denna for a month and a half without knowing it
a month an a half how...
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well hello new friend... to what do i owe the request?

glad you're feeling better...
still feel like crap kids
got lucky though finally went to the doctorabout my sore throat
he said if i had waited longer he would have hospitalize me and remove my tonsils
oh and pay them a years worth of my current salery
now i only have to take these 1000 mg horse pills
one good thing about bein sick i lost 15 lbs
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hello hello hello kiss all
going to moonshine tonight
djs renan and tommy ruffinguz
playing hiphop
9 pm @ division and huron
come by for a visit if your in the area
if not bite me mad j/k
kisses all kiss
who could resist such an invitation???
Hey new friend- Went to Webster Wine Bar and Empty Bottle with Cat tonight. Sorry I missed you at Moonshine. Next time?? kiss
happy fucking friday everyone. for those of you in chicago my good friend and his new band is playing tonight at spot 6 on clark and sheridan. come on by 10:30 pm.. wink
Happy fucking friday darlin' biggrin
What type of music are your friends playing?
Thank you for your comment kiss
...but what type of music are your friends playing?
Oh! And when are you posting some pics in here?
tra la la went and played some more pool last night. didnt win any money but i got a couple of drinks out of it. shocked came up with some great ideas for photo sets at the bar though. id tell you but that would ruin the suprise youll just have to keep your eyes peeled. eeek i really need to head downtown but its fucking snowing...
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Enjoy your bath! Forget about the cold. I think we're all over it. smile
i'll tell the gods to knock it off.
HEY ALL just getting ready to go shot some stick, hopefully i'll find a sucker to hustle cuz i'm broke. whatever anyone got a job for me? anyone, anyone! something that requires very little work and pays lots of money. wink pretty soon i'll standing on the corner with a sign reading WILL GET NAKED FOR FOOD OR BEER shocked
Which corner??? love love love love
blaaaaa! feel like crap today. suppose to go to some club for something. don't care. don't want to go. want a bath with bubbles and candles and a really really REALLY large glass of wine. hum that sounds good. now where did i put those bubbles? kiss
ok wink

How's Chicago? I've never been there.
and...where are your pics? frown

I would love a bath with bubbles too but I haven't had one for 4 years (maybe 5) cause my bathroom has no tub...so I can only take showers... mad
gettin ready to go shot some stick always helps when i get to see some tittys first wink mine dont count i see them all day long. hopefully i can find some sucker to hustle cuz im broke. anyone got a job for me? prefurably something that pays alot and requires very little work. anyone, anyone? whatever if i dont find one soo i'll be standing on the corner with a sign reading WILL GET NAKED FOR FOOD OR BEER! tongue
ahhh havent checked in ina while, very busy life. i just wish i could rememberit all. just ran into a bunch of old friends i hadn't seen in years biggrin ahhh reunions, always nicer without the family. wink thanx for the birthdaywishes all. CHEERS!
Glad things are going well kiss