i guess i should update this thing
but nothing too fun has been going on
for those that i havent told 500 times when i was drunk
(you know who you are )
my mom broke her wrist last week
shes all bionic now with pins stickin out all over
weekend was alot of hospital waiting rooms and work
sunday work was good i found $260 that were lost in the system or lack there of
yeay me
got all drunk then hit quenchers
last night was kinda slow
we will see how tonight goes
oh and fran and dddanielle got a bootleg copy of 300 last night from her "guy"
im torn to watch it though cuz i wanted tosee it at the imax
but knowing me when i finally get the chance to go it wouldnt be playing anymore
so im thinkin since my mom cant really sit in a movie theater
and she has a pretty large screen tv at home
that ill watch with her and if im blown away then pay the cash to see it at the imax
well thats all for now
xoxo t
ps did you check out my cow tipping pic above
what we were board at work and we made some cash too
but nothing too fun has been going on
for those that i havent told 500 times when i was drunk
(you know who you are )

my mom broke her wrist last week
shes all bionic now with pins stickin out all over
weekend was alot of hospital waiting rooms and work
sunday work was good i found $260 that were lost in the system or lack there of

yeay me
got all drunk then hit quenchers
last night was kinda slow
we will see how tonight goes
oh and fran and dddanielle got a bootleg copy of 300 last night from her "guy"
im torn to watch it though cuz i wanted tosee it at the imax
but knowing me when i finally get the chance to go it wouldnt be playing anymore

so im thinkin since my mom cant really sit in a movie theater
and she has a pretty large screen tv at home
that ill watch with her and if im blown away then pay the cash to see it at the imax
well thats all for now
xoxo t

ps did you check out my cow tipping pic above

what we were board at work and we made some cash too

being a fan of anime, how could i go so long without seeing any of his movies before now???
But I still hope you can stop by Hungry Brain on Saturday for a little while.