This blog in entitled: Comic Con - by An Unlikely Attendee
When I made the choice to attend Comic Con I didn't know what to expect. I knew people would be in costume, they have seminars where celebrities come and discuss their endeavors, and that it was the biggest Comic Convention in the U.S., but that doesn't come close to describing the sensory and social overload that is SanDiego Comic Con.

(One the way, road weary and anxious)
I thought I was into some popular culture, I really love horror movies of all kinds, I enjoy most all of the Showtime shows, I'm obsessed with South Park, and anime porn intrigues me. I do enjoys those things but I don't know many actors names or random trivia. I spent the weekend with people trying to talk to me about the various comic/TV Shows/Video Games/Movies and I knew NOTHING about them. How awkward; they're so excited to have met so and so, or they can't wait to sit in some obscure panel and I couldn't share the excitement. It made me feel bad for those who tried to converse with me.
I also didn't know just how many fucking people that went to this thing. I have never seen so many people in my life, even at major concerts and events. It was mass chaos and at times shoulder to shoulder in the exhibit hall. I heard its nicknamed "Line Con' because you have to stand in a ridiculously long line to do anything! Eat, piss, buy t-shirt... everything. It also made it really hard to see the booths and experience what the con had to offer. This is my super crowded photo of the SG booth.

I did work the booth but was only scheduled a couple hours Thurs. and Fri. It was really cool to meet the few people I did and it was great to meet the California girls some of whom i had been wanting to meet for a while. I was such a weirdo at the booth at times. People who say something being sarcastic and I would think they were serious and get into a discussion come to find out they were joking. o_O I met some of the Suicide Girls I really admired so I was super nervous when I first got to the booth. I'm such a dork...
The other thing that made moving around difficult was peoples crazy costumes protruding with giant wings or propellors or giant weapons. I couldn't believe how much effort people put into this shit. I definitely didn't fit in with my tattoo and metal t-shirts.
I roomed with Sid, Elea, and couple others. Sid organized the room for us so that was nice of her and it was a beautiful choice.

This was taken just off our balcony. It was gorgeous! I got to creep on their SG shoots.

dylanborgman shot the sets. Elea liked my Urban Art tattoo shirt, design by Tony Klett, so I let her borrow it for the shoot.
I do actually read one comic, Lenore, and we met Roman Dirge at the con. I bought the new hardcover edition and he did a little sketch for me. It was neat to meet him because I've been reading and following Lenore for about 15 years.

The highlight of the weekend was the Deathsquad Supershow at the American Comedy Co. The Deathsquad is a group of comedian podcasters who also do standup together. I had 2 tickets and the person who I got the ticket for bailed on me. I couldn't get anyone else to go with so I went alone. I ended up meeting these badass dudes from Tijuana who invited me to sit with them. Those dudes cracked me up in line and told me crazy stories about living in LA vs Tijuana and how LA was more dangerous. Classic. Anyway the Deathsquad show was hilarious. The comedians that did the Show were Doug Benson (Super High Me), Brian Redban (Invented Cat Breading), Sam Tripoli (Naughty Show), Joe Rogan (MMA Announcer, Fear Factor) and my personal fav Ari Shaffir (The Amazing Racist). It was so funny my face hurt. I stayed after the show to meet some of the comedians. I got picture with Joe Rogan and Doug Benson. I really wanted to meet Ari and possibly get one of his weed grinders signed so I went to the merch counter. They were out of them so I got a t-shirt instead. I waited a few more minutes and I spotted him. Ok - I had been prepping myself on what i would say to him when I knew I was going to the show. When you listen to these podcasts you kind of get to know the comics; you listen to them talk for hours at a time, multiple times a week. Needless to say when I finally got to talk to him I opened my mouth and diarrhea came out. I was kinda drunk and got really nervous, we took a quick photo and I took off. I'm such a fucking retard, what is wrong with me?! I said nothing of what I wanted to talk to him about. *Facepalm* I don't even have a copy of the photo because the dude from Tijuana took it with his camera. I gave the mexican dude my email but am not quite sure if I will ever see the pics from that night. This is the only proof I was there:

Hopefully I get another chance to meet Ari and he won't remember my awkwardness of that night.
To sum up the weekend, it was full of craziness both good and bad, and I learned some valuable lessons. One of which is always be who you are no matter what. When you feel like the freak in a sea of freaks focus on your identity and don't let others disconnect you from who you are. That will definitely be my last Comic Con - I'll be sticking to the tattoo conventions
When I made the choice to attend Comic Con I didn't know what to expect. I knew people would be in costume, they have seminars where celebrities come and discuss their endeavors, and that it was the biggest Comic Convention in the U.S., but that doesn't come close to describing the sensory and social overload that is SanDiego Comic Con.
(One the way, road weary and anxious)
I thought I was into some popular culture, I really love horror movies of all kinds, I enjoy most all of the Showtime shows, I'm obsessed with South Park, and anime porn intrigues me. I do enjoys those things but I don't know many actors names or random trivia. I spent the weekend with people trying to talk to me about the various comic/TV Shows/Video Games/Movies and I knew NOTHING about them. How awkward; they're so excited to have met so and so, or they can't wait to sit in some obscure panel and I couldn't share the excitement. It made me feel bad for those who tried to converse with me.
I also didn't know just how many fucking people that went to this thing. I have never seen so many people in my life, even at major concerts and events. It was mass chaos and at times shoulder to shoulder in the exhibit hall. I heard its nicknamed "Line Con' because you have to stand in a ridiculously long line to do anything! Eat, piss, buy t-shirt... everything. It also made it really hard to see the booths and experience what the con had to offer. This is my super crowded photo of the SG booth.

I did work the booth but was only scheduled a couple hours Thurs. and Fri. It was really cool to meet the few people I did and it was great to meet the California girls some of whom i had been wanting to meet for a while. I was such a weirdo at the booth at times. People who say something being sarcastic and I would think they were serious and get into a discussion come to find out they were joking. o_O I met some of the Suicide Girls I really admired so I was super nervous when I first got to the booth. I'm such a dork...
The other thing that made moving around difficult was peoples crazy costumes protruding with giant wings or propellors or giant weapons. I couldn't believe how much effort people put into this shit. I definitely didn't fit in with my tattoo and metal t-shirts.
I roomed with Sid, Elea, and couple others. Sid organized the room for us so that was nice of her and it was a beautiful choice.

This was taken just off our balcony. It was gorgeous! I got to creep on their SG shoots.

dylanborgman shot the sets. Elea liked my Urban Art tattoo shirt, design by Tony Klett, so I let her borrow it for the shoot.

I do actually read one comic, Lenore, and we met Roman Dirge at the con. I bought the new hardcover edition and he did a little sketch for me. It was neat to meet him because I've been reading and following Lenore for about 15 years.

The highlight of the weekend was the Deathsquad Supershow at the American Comedy Co. The Deathsquad is a group of comedian podcasters who also do standup together. I had 2 tickets and the person who I got the ticket for bailed on me. I couldn't get anyone else to go with so I went alone. I ended up meeting these badass dudes from Tijuana who invited me to sit with them. Those dudes cracked me up in line and told me crazy stories about living in LA vs Tijuana and how LA was more dangerous. Classic. Anyway the Deathsquad show was hilarious. The comedians that did the Show were Doug Benson (Super High Me), Brian Redban (Invented Cat Breading), Sam Tripoli (Naughty Show), Joe Rogan (MMA Announcer, Fear Factor) and my personal fav Ari Shaffir (The Amazing Racist). It was so funny my face hurt. I stayed after the show to meet some of the comedians. I got picture with Joe Rogan and Doug Benson. I really wanted to meet Ari and possibly get one of his weed grinders signed so I went to the merch counter. They were out of them so I got a t-shirt instead. I waited a few more minutes and I spotted him. Ok - I had been prepping myself on what i would say to him when I knew I was going to the show. When you listen to these podcasts you kind of get to know the comics; you listen to them talk for hours at a time, multiple times a week. Needless to say when I finally got to talk to him I opened my mouth and diarrhea came out. I was kinda drunk and got really nervous, we took a quick photo and I took off. I'm such a fucking retard, what is wrong with me?! I said nothing of what I wanted to talk to him about. *Facepalm* I don't even have a copy of the photo because the dude from Tijuana took it with his camera. I gave the mexican dude my email but am not quite sure if I will ever see the pics from that night. This is the only proof I was there:

Hopefully I get another chance to meet Ari and he won't remember my awkwardness of that night.
To sum up the weekend, it was full of craziness both good and bad, and I learned some valuable lessons. One of which is always be who you are no matter what. When you feel like the freak in a sea of freaks focus on your identity and don't let others disconnect you from who you are. That will definitely be my last Comic Con - I'll be sticking to the tattoo conventions

Oh no hun, I feel so bad making you stand in line at that booth and telling you all about Bronies/Bronys (?). You can file that under "stuff I never wanted to know". 

Sorry to hear you had a not-so-great time T. AND that it's your last. I blame the Hollywood industry people for getting their grubby hands involved and inviting all their scumbag friends for the past few years. It didn't used to be that packed back in the day.