I hope that everybody had an enjoyable all Hallows Eve! I was really in the spirit towards the beginning of the month but it started fading about half way through. This time of year has always been full of change for me over the years. Ever since I was a kid we have moved over Halloween weekend every few years. Other life altering things have taken place during Autumn as well, such as death. I didn't move this year but I have come to a point in my life to start changing myself to become a better person. These feelings overwhelmed the Halloween spirit in me but I had a good time none the less.
We tried to go shooting with some friends on Saturday but after we got out there I realized I had no cell service and I was on call. My poor friend had to drive me all the way back into town so I could be available for the funeral home. That was a little depressing and I let it get me down. I went home and got ready for the fire shows later that night.
The theme was vampire steam punk.

This was before I had my teeth and lipstick done. I got those really nice teeth that you mold on to your tooth and use over and over. They worked awesome, I was so surprised! I wasn't into this costume idea very much, I wanted us to do a Dia de los Muertos theme. Oh well, I ended up liking my costume in the end anyway.
I ended up spending All Hallows in Jerome, which was really quiet for it being their biggest holiday. The big party they have every year was held Saturday instead which makes no sense to me. If it falls on a Wednesday are they going to push everything to the weekend?! I called around to get the room reservation in July and at that time, they told me all the rooms were booked except the one I ended up reserving. I got the last room with a private bath in the whole town. It just didn't make sense because the bar was pretty empty and there wasn't even live music. I still had a blast and met a few people. I found Jesus that night...

Jesus Christ Superstar to be exact. If ya didn't know, Jesus happens to love whiskey and anything that starts with a "w". I never knew Jesus and I would have so much in common....
I also met a hero of mine Bobby Light!

"Bobby light fucked up.... Bobby light is a little drunk" He sang this to me after tripping over the table. Then I had to take a picture with him!
I took today off to get back from Jerome and relax. I'll be back hard at work tomorrow. At least I'm off this coming weekend and there's SAW VII and many other shenanigans to look forward too!
We tried to go shooting with some friends on Saturday but after we got out there I realized I had no cell service and I was on call. My poor friend had to drive me all the way back into town so I could be available for the funeral home. That was a little depressing and I let it get me down. I went home and got ready for the fire shows later that night.
The theme was vampire steam punk.

This was before I had my teeth and lipstick done. I got those really nice teeth that you mold on to your tooth and use over and over. They worked awesome, I was so surprised! I wasn't into this costume idea very much, I wanted us to do a Dia de los Muertos theme. Oh well, I ended up liking my costume in the end anyway.
I ended up spending All Hallows in Jerome, which was really quiet for it being their biggest holiday. The big party they have every year was held Saturday instead which makes no sense to me. If it falls on a Wednesday are they going to push everything to the weekend?! I called around to get the room reservation in July and at that time, they told me all the rooms were booked except the one I ended up reserving. I got the last room with a private bath in the whole town. It just didn't make sense because the bar was pretty empty and there wasn't even live music. I still had a blast and met a few people. I found Jesus that night...

Jesus Christ Superstar to be exact. If ya didn't know, Jesus happens to love whiskey and anything that starts with a "w". I never knew Jesus and I would have so much in common....
I also met a hero of mine Bobby Light!

"Bobby light fucked up.... Bobby light is a little drunk" He sang this to me after tripping over the table. Then I had to take a picture with him!
I took today off to get back from Jerome and relax. I'll be back hard at work tomorrow. At least I'm off this coming weekend and there's SAW VII and many other shenanigans to look forward too!
Man I want to adventure in Jerome, every time I hear about Jerome it sounds like the greatest place to be.