so i am off to colorado tomarro for a couple days. gotta get my cats and my money.
anyone want to go to vegas? so i finally get to buy a car. i've decided to build a drift car. as for right now, the stock shitbox i'm gunna buy to build will be enouf to drift around town. i hope to blow up the tranni before to long cuz then i'll have to dish out the cash for the full right hand drive conversion. i plan on doin the conversion soon, but if the car shits out i'll be motivated. and for those of you keeping score, since my house sold it is tatto time for real. i don;t think life could get any better at this point.
rock on rock stars

rock on rock stars
Hello, I changed my name. 

Yah going to get the kitties! I just found out last night that my ex is taking our cats when we both move out in June. I'm so bummed about that. Want to go kitty shopping with me?