come and ride the mighty wave that is my dick i i i mean my life....
anyhow...... the lift finally goes in tomarro at the shop. two cars come in, in a week so i am amped to rip some cars apart. time to make the big bucks. look out, baller camin thru. man i need to get some sleep. hehehehehehe
what else, motor sold today, found a new auction site for dirt cheep cars from jApan, and yes i do mean jApan. accent the first a, it is so much more fun.made the stencile for the floor. lokks so sick. the vivd boys are so down fot the scavanger hunt. however i have been advised that do to the nature of the contest i may not want to invete others to participate. aparently i could be liable for stuff so we'll se about that one. maybe the list will anymomously (nice spelling huh?) make it out.
just all a flutter over here
tell the kids i love um

anyhow...... the lift finally goes in tomarro at the shop. two cars come in, in a week so i am amped to rip some cars apart. time to make the big bucks. look out, baller camin thru. man i need to get some sleep. hehehehehehe
what else, motor sold today, found a new auction site for dirt cheep cars from jApan, and yes i do mean jApan. accent the first a, it is so much more fun.made the stencile for the floor. lokks so sick. the vivd boys are so down fot the scavanger hunt. however i have been advised that do to the nature of the contest i may not want to invete others to participate. aparently i could be liable for stuff so we'll se about that one. maybe the list will anymomously (nice spelling huh?) make it out.
just all a flutter over here
tell the kids i love um