yes......last night was fabulos. didn't drink, up to day 6 i think. anyhow the highlights.....
Clark picks me up and says "i've had 3 shots of hypnotic" he then proceds to have a margaritta and a double martini, he brought with him. so i drove to the club.
1st club was alright but the friend of the girl clark went there to meet would not let clark talk to her cuz she (the friend)hates him for some reason. (that make sense?) clark is really a good guy so i don't know what she could have against him. anyhow....
we walk over to another place and go up to vip cuz clarks a balla and he always goes to vip. and thats Why i roll with clark. anyhow, while clark is getting a drink i am standing on top of a set of two stairs. these two girls come walking up and aperantly don't see the stairs cuz they walk straight into them and fall into me. so i catch them and ask if they are allright. one responds " i am so fucked up and completely out of control!" yes i gathered that but are you o.k.? anyhow they walk off. so clark comes back and we walk around and about 10 minutes later who does clark see...... the two little drunk girls. he knows them. yahooie. now i have to deal with this mess all night. it acctually wasn't too bad. we were walking out this guy bumped a girl and she spilled her drink on him. no biggie, i think, he'll probably get her number, lucky dog, but no, this fuck up says" fuck you bitch" and throws his drink on her.
so she throws whats left of her drink on him. the bouncers converge and the guys friend throws a bottle at the bouncers, just missing and braking on the wall. these two were then escorted out of the club and stopped into wine. lets just try to get home in one piece i think and then clark does it. he asks whats going on tonight, after party? the girls he knows say ?"oh yes, at our house" so cool, we get the truck i'm driving and clark is giving directions and guess where we end up........ the same place as the night before........ and guess what........they aren't there. wow. fell for it two nights in a row. so they are officially cut off. never agian will i drive even near that place.
so we went to philaberto's and they tried to pick up on the drunk philaberto girls in the parking lot, to no avail. then we went home. awesome party.
tell the kids i love um
Clark picks me up and says "i've had 3 shots of hypnotic" he then proceds to have a margaritta and a double martini, he brought with him. so i drove to the club.

we walk over to another place and go up to vip cuz clarks a balla and he always goes to vip. and thats Why i roll with clark. anyhow, while clark is getting a drink i am standing on top of a set of two stairs. these two girls come walking up and aperantly don't see the stairs cuz they walk straight into them and fall into me. so i catch them and ask if they are allright. one responds " i am so fucked up and completely out of control!" yes i gathered that but are you o.k.? anyhow they walk off. so clark comes back and we walk around and about 10 minutes later who does clark see...... the two little drunk girls. he knows them. yahooie. now i have to deal with this mess all night. it acctually wasn't too bad. we were walking out this guy bumped a girl and she spilled her drink on him. no biggie, i think, he'll probably get her number, lucky dog, but no, this fuck up says" fuck you bitch" and throws his drink on her.

so we went to philaberto's and they tried to pick up on the drunk philaberto girls in the parking lot, to no avail. then we went home. awesome party.

tell the kids i love um
i thought my nights were crazy sometmes, take the cake sir!
I hope you had a great day!