soooooooooooo, i have nothing to say in my defense. i'm an alkoholic but that's no excuse. so i'm just gunna admit i'm a drunkin asshole with little ability to modify my bad behavior patterns. that being said, let's here the highlights
so 2 nights ago my homeboys say they wanna go out. fine, i love goin out. but those tricky bastards always get me some how. they know if they take a long time to get ready i'll start drinkin and be completly wrecked by the time they pick me up. so they let me get drunk and defenseless and then pick me up and bring me to the stip club.
i may have expressed my dislike of the strrapper club before, let me say again, i don't like it, all it does is make me extreamly self consious. i am way too shy for strangers to be walking around naked asking to sit in my lap.
so there i am, pouroing that first drink back when this girl comes up and sits on the arm of my chair and says " starting slo tonight" and my stoopid ass couldn't say yes, and go back to drinking, no i had to be honest and say, acctually i've been swillin scotch by the mouthfull and i'm bearly able to see. so she now thinks i want to talk to her. which honestly i don't mind, i love talkin to people but at the strip club it's hard too take anything they say seriously cuz they want you to think they love you and are so interested in what you have to say, cuz they want you to give them lots of money.
i mean lets be honest.
so were "chating" and she asks clark if i need a dance and he says yes. and i say no, thank you, but that makes me real uncomfortable. she proceedes to say she'll give me the dance for free cuz i'm "sooo cute and she hast to" such bullshit . i explain, its not a matter of money, its that you are basically dealing with a 4 year old here, and i just don't like that sort of thing. she says she will molest me if i dont let her give me a dance. i tell her it wouldn't be the first time.
so after a struggle to wiggle her ass into my lap she decides she'll climb behind me in the chair and dry hump the back of my head. this made it very hard to drink my second beer.
so she leaves after aminute telling my homeboys i'm an asshole and i say i could of told you that and saved a bunch of time for both of us
then, this other girl comes up and wants to talk. i've had a few drinks ontop of all the scotch so it's startin to hit and i'm like fuck it. what do you want to know. she asks about my tattoos. she "loves guys with tattoos. really
even this giant one down my entire back to my ex wife. at this point most girls leave. she gets the sad face. she feels bad for me. great! look at me. i'm so happy to ber dealin with this. meanwhile my homeboys are no help.
she now wants to give me a free dance. but she was polite enuf to let me say no thankyou. at this point i tell her i'm a drunkin asshole, thinkin this will say us some time. no she says, "so i'm just another stripper?" yeah. what do you want me to do, propose cuz you asked me about my exwife? go away. she then says you are an asshole and i say yup. she left. and my homeboys deceide to remove me from the situation. they take me to another strip club. i'm too drunk to fight so the rest of the night was mellow.
last night. just you're average night of drunkin skating. but i did eat shit hard once. i almost got hit by a bus
but i didn't so radical.
have fun
tel the kids i love um

so 2 nights ago my homeboys say they wanna go out. fine, i love goin out. but those tricky bastards always get me some how. they know if they take a long time to get ready i'll start drinkin and be completly wrecked by the time they pick me up. so they let me get drunk and defenseless and then pick me up and bring me to the stip club.

i may have expressed my dislike of the strrapper club before, let me say again, i don't like it, all it does is make me extreamly self consious. i am way too shy for strangers to be walking around naked asking to sit in my lap.
so there i am, pouroing that first drink back when this girl comes up and sits on the arm of my chair and says " starting slo tonight" and my stoopid ass couldn't say yes, and go back to drinking, no i had to be honest and say, acctually i've been swillin scotch by the mouthfull and i'm bearly able to see. so she now thinks i want to talk to her. which honestly i don't mind, i love talkin to people but at the strip club it's hard too take anything they say seriously cuz they want you to think they love you and are so interested in what you have to say, cuz they want you to give them lots of money.

so were "chating" and she asks clark if i need a dance and he says yes. and i say no, thank you, but that makes me real uncomfortable. she proceedes to say she'll give me the dance for free cuz i'm "sooo cute and she hast to" such bullshit . i explain, its not a matter of money, its that you are basically dealing with a 4 year old here, and i just don't like that sort of thing. she says she will molest me if i dont let her give me a dance. i tell her it wouldn't be the first time.
so after a struggle to wiggle her ass into my lap she decides she'll climb behind me in the chair and dry hump the back of my head. this made it very hard to drink my second beer.

so she leaves after aminute telling my homeboys i'm an asshole and i say i could of told you that and saved a bunch of time for both of us

then, this other girl comes up and wants to talk. i've had a few drinks ontop of all the scotch so it's startin to hit and i'm like fuck it. what do you want to know. she asks about my tattoos. she "loves guys with tattoos. really

she now wants to give me a free dance. but she was polite enuf to let me say no thankyou. at this point i tell her i'm a drunkin asshole, thinkin this will say us some time. no she says, "so i'm just another stripper?" yeah. what do you want me to do, propose cuz you asked me about my exwife? go away. she then says you are an asshole and i say yup. she left. and my homeboys deceide to remove me from the situation. they take me to another strip club. i'm too drunk to fight so the rest of the night was mellow.
last night. just you're average night of drunkin skating. but i did eat shit hard once. i almost got hit by a bus

but i didn't so radical.
have fun
tel the kids i love um
Love Ya,
Lunna xoxoxo