I just uploaded pics of my prince albert courtesy of the wonderful, beautiful, lovely, strange, intellectual, hot, cairo. If ya wanna see click here, please remember fellas its a picture of my dick, look at ur own risk, prince albert! Imma put some more in there as soon as I get cairo's digital cam. I put some other pics in my other folder. A few with me and my favorite person in the world(all this shameless sucking up will get me no where) As for my new profile pic, I took this 5 years ago in my last year of high school. It was at the senior auction and I was impersonating the Rock(I have an obsession with him) I got bought for 35 dollars, the most for anyone selling themself as a solo. any who take a look at the pics. Imma go to sleep now, and its funny I keep having the same dream since I got this piercing.....man I want it to come true!
did it hurt?
Congrats on being the most expensive whore! Kidding of course
The prince albert looks...well, painful and awesome. Congrats on that too. I'm with Cairo, I'd like to hear about this dream.