in response to my last post I might as well say this. I work in a nursing home. Our great guvner of maryland is about to take 42 million from nursing homes. last year we took a cut of 32 million dollars. now they are taking another 42 million, mostly because marylanders are refusing to allow slots to be built in MD. What does all this mean? well from my view many residents dont get the proper care because we dont have enough staff there as it is. Those budget cuts would cause many to lose their jobs and cause many elderly who cant care for themselves to lose the only benefit t hey have for their care, if you want to help write to guvna Erlich and tell him what you think. Just remember, if you were in a nursing home and someone told you we are gonna take 42 million away from your care, how would you feel.
In other news, thanks to a certain special someone...... I am leaning very close to getting a prince albert piercing. I need more sites on it though. Anyone have any piercing sites it would help greatly.
See ya on the flip side.
In other news, thanks to a certain special someone...... I am leaning very close to getting a prince albert piercing. I need more sites on it though. Anyone have any piercing sites it would help greatly.
See ya on the flip side.
Sorry to hear the bad news from work amigo... Hopefully things will turn around
