Hello, welcome to the new followers, so feel my strong embrace to each one who supports me and sees me with gentle eyes.
I come to make a blog telling some of my best company, a feline, my cat that is called "EVA" my boyfriend who chose his name. Will be 4 years old this year. π

We adopted her. Have a place here that always abandon animals for donation, we decided to find something that could complement our family.
When we arrived soon a black cat began to rub on our my leg, the veterinarian said she was abandoned by her first owner.
(I do not understand why people abandon so many animals on the street.) π.

she was the one who chose us, we decided it would be her, it is a very lovely cat.
So we took her to a new house with 4 months, she accepted her new home very well, I love her like a daughter. She is a great companion, in days of loneliness and sadness, she caresses my heart with her look and her affection, very docil. I was very happy and happy that she accepted us as caretaker. It's incredible.
So we took her to a new house with 4 months, she accepted her new home very well, I love her like a daughter. She is a great companion, in days of loneliness and sadness, she caresses my heart with her look and her affection, very docil. I was very happy and happy that she accepted us as caretaker. It's incredible.

(Find the cat in the picture above)ππ
A fact about EVA, on hot nights in Brazil, we always went out for a walk, in front of the house there is a path to the field where we like to observe the night sky, she accompanied us, the first time she accompanied us was scared because I never saw the cat accompanying the owner on a walk, I thought she could get lost haha and she accompanied side by side, I find this very interesting because it shows that wants to be close to his family. But it's only a few times that I let her follow me.
Very curious and kind. This is a bit of animal life. I love cats, she is a true friend, haha because sometimes I find myself the real "Dr. Dolittle" talking to the animals. Lol. I love it.
Missy, Rambo Thank you for giving this space and oportunity for us to create a blog from the topics.
Thank you, I hope like ! π xox
Missy, Rambo Thank you for giving this space and oportunity for us to create a blog from the topics.
Thank you, I hope like ! π xox
i love cats! nice story. Mine is adopted too.
The kattys! But serious here. That's mad sweet story really. My younger sister cat was here now miss them both, and cat had before ran away named Zeus I've so many cats growing up before I had dogs. I miss each everyone them ^^