I got my apartment!! Applied and approved in a whole of ten minutes. Go go gadget awesome credit.
It has a fireplace and that is all kinds of exciting for me. Plus, they have this amazing pet policy. They don't just put up with them, they love and respect them.
I also got all the classes I registered for. I'm taking body sculpting so get ready for my sexy toned body.
I'm taking a trip to Bellingham to see the male version of myself. And I'm hoping to take a trip to CA. I have a friend with a beachhouse on Newport Beach and if I can find a few couches to commandeer on the way, I"m set.
Things are finally going well for me. Now if I can just sort out my brain, maybe I can keep this up.

I also got all the classes I registered for. I'm taking body sculpting so get ready for my sexy toned body.
I'm taking a trip to Bellingham to see the male version of myself. And I'm hoping to take a trip to CA. I have a friend with a beachhouse on Newport Beach and if I can find a few couches to commandeer on the way, I"m set.
Things are finally going well for me. Now if I can just sort out my brain, maybe I can keep this up.
Hope your trip is a good one