So one of my good friends that i used to crush on and pursed a little till she started dating a guy. Last night she Came over to my d&d game last night cry her ass off. Like all are mutual friends are in the game. Well come to find out her dude she just got a place with is cheating belatedly. Been taking her car and money as well fucking around... He's been super fucked up to her the hole time they have been together on and off. Franlky im too the point were i just want to kick his ass. Not sure i know what to do or how handle the situation cus every time he fucks up... He talks his way back in and ends up hurting her again. We are being supportive but she never listened before. like new years they were split up and i was trying to make a move, But he end up showing up and worming his way in again. Whats fucked up is she told me last week she wished she never got back with him and that she was sorry... Im lost kick his ass or just leave be.
Kick his ass in a definite way. Physically it would feel best to you but achieve no real goal. Hold her to it and don' allow him back in! Put her up a few days to give her a place that wasn' shared by both. Let her get her head clear but don' compound the embarrssment by illustrating his faults. Be the man and let the man kick the boys was. It' harder to do and the risk is she won' see. But being a man isn' easy and is a multitude of small quiet victories. Then ask somne thug friends to beat his ass black and blue lol
She is retarded got back with him. Im losing all faith in this younger generation. I cant even believe it. Out of all the girls i have dated not one would put up with my outrageous childest antics in a grocery store like racing shoping carts. But i know like ten girls that get treated like shit, cheated on, stole from, and beat on and stay with there shit bag bfs. Fuck my life