After becoming single im stuck in a predicament. I want to go out party flirt hook up if possible. Live free for awhile. But there this girl i have been highly interested in since before my last relationship. she a sweetheart. Kind, soft spoken, smart, geeky in her own way, and absolutely beautiful, total package, quiet the opposite of the type of girls i normally date were it doesnt work out cus all we have is sex and tattoos in comon. But the thing is i dont really think rushing into or even attempting to is a good idea. I since a chemistry but not sure if she is into me or not. On the other hand waiting around never seems to go in my favor... So im not sure what i should do... Pruse her or stay single.
Heeey! Do not think so ... And if you're thinking like this, but this girl is thinking about your lips in secret? The "No" you already have, so why not try the yep? This happened to me, and believe me: I found perfect lips for myself in someone else, and I forgot the lips that I used to love before. So keep your feet on the ground, do not forget to go to parties and meet people, and cherish yourself above all else, baby!!!
Tis true... But its a lot more complicated than you thinks... No friends other than the sg community and my dnd gaming buddys (we might have ragers in grayhawlk i mean theres no telling what my druid might do{shhhh hes maried to a crazy assassin and aint been back since he left er with 10000 platinum and knocked up}) but i aint been to a real party since i was 26 not one were i was free and the girls were interested