Seeing Watchmen on Monday. Jealous? You should be.
Oh yeah. Twitter zombies. Add me.
Today I drank a well.. Drank.
It truly is an anti-energy drink. My Jason Mewes-esque friend and I bought a few on our lunch break during work. We drank them. Let's just say that after drinking them, our productivity went way the hell down. Pretty sure I slept most of the afternoon at my cube.
Also yes, I work at Blizzard Entertainment.
*smacks lips* I want another Diet Coke.
I'm going to play some 360 now. Someone add me and we can kill zombies together. tag: thirdmulligan
Oh yeah. Twitter zombies. Add me.
Today I drank a well.. Drank.

It truly is an anti-energy drink. My Jason Mewes-esque friend and I bought a few on our lunch break during work. We drank them. Let's just say that after drinking them, our productivity went way the hell down. Pretty sure I slept most of the afternoon at my cube.
Also yes, I work at Blizzard Entertainment.
*smacks lips* I want another Diet Coke.
I'm going to play some 360 now. Someone add me and we can kill zombies together. tag: thirdmulligan