I admit it. Are you happy now? Content I hope. You should be. You got me to do this. This isn’t usually how I address these issues. The events at hand I usually deny they exist, then kill them and bury them in my backyard along with other fun things. But enough of what I do on Saturday nights. It’s boring.
I need to clean up the homeless population of Vancouver before 2010. They are paying me for this fine work…
Metal face. I wish I had one. That way I could be a trendy nerd rapper or the evil genius ruler of a country that only exists in the universe of the Fantastic Four. That would be great, I could have shrink rays and sneak into places I shouldn’t be.. Like trendy popped collar night clubs.
I’ve been thinking a lot about home. I do miss it. There are many aspects of that deserted fucking horrible place that I have grown to love. The secluded-ness for one. I can’t exactly have a bonfire in the middle of Vancouver on a camp ground where a young adolescent woman was once rumored to have died. No, that doesn’t happen. If that did, I would have to supply change to people down on Hastings. And let’s face it, I’m broke.
Anywho, back to the topic at hand. Brown County. Mostly it’s the people. The good good people that are trapped there in the vortex known as central Indiana. I feel they need some sort of motivation to get them out and to explore the world. Fuck it, take a risk. Move to a strange place in the pacific northwest to another country who in reality isn’t really a country but the fifty first state that we let exist because it’s cute. And your television sucks. Seriously. Have you watched an episode of Corner Gas?
Sidetracked once again by some incoherent ramblings. Who cares though? No one actually reads these things and they are all part of the same formula. Bah, I liked Coca Cola Classic better than this new hip bullshit.
I like hip hop, punk, and country music. Without Johnny Cash, all those genres would have been shit.
That’s it for now folks, I bet you can’t wait till the next edition of the same old bullshit. Just remember kids, you go nowhere when you die!
I need to clean up the homeless population of Vancouver before 2010. They are paying me for this fine work…
Metal face. I wish I had one. That way I could be a trendy nerd rapper or the evil genius ruler of a country that only exists in the universe of the Fantastic Four. That would be great, I could have shrink rays and sneak into places I shouldn’t be.. Like trendy popped collar night clubs.
I’ve been thinking a lot about home. I do miss it. There are many aspects of that deserted fucking horrible place that I have grown to love. The secluded-ness for one. I can’t exactly have a bonfire in the middle of Vancouver on a camp ground where a young adolescent woman was once rumored to have died. No, that doesn’t happen. If that did, I would have to supply change to people down on Hastings. And let’s face it, I’m broke.
Anywho, back to the topic at hand. Brown County. Mostly it’s the people. The good good people that are trapped there in the vortex known as central Indiana. I feel they need some sort of motivation to get them out and to explore the world. Fuck it, take a risk. Move to a strange place in the pacific northwest to another country who in reality isn’t really a country but the fifty first state that we let exist because it’s cute. And your television sucks. Seriously. Have you watched an episode of Corner Gas?
Sidetracked once again by some incoherent ramblings. Who cares though? No one actually reads these things and they are all part of the same formula. Bah, I liked Coca Cola Classic better than this new hip bullshit.
I like hip hop, punk, and country music. Without Johnny Cash, all those genres would have been shit.
That’s it for now folks, I bet you can’t wait till the next edition of the same old bullshit. Just remember kids, you go nowhere when you die!
I can act. And I can write. I can direct. I can do pretty much everything.