A continuation on from yesterday...
...which I now cannot be bothered writing.
Basically some guy must like me and I was conned into a date, another one is getting jealous, my ex is calling me weird pet names and a couple of days ago my friend asked me to be his sub. The thing is I'm just friendly, I guess. Can men and women be purely platonic friends? Even last year my best friend was a guy but during the acquaintance stage he came onto me.
It makes me wonder. *sips peppermint tea in thought*
Ergh I sound like Carrie Bradshaw.
Now to imagine Jimi duelling Justin.

...which I now cannot be bothered writing.
Basically some guy must like me and I was conned into a date, another one is getting jealous, my ex is calling me weird pet names and a couple of days ago my friend asked me to be his sub. The thing is I'm just friendly, I guess. Can men and women be purely platonic friends? Even last year my best friend was a guy but during the acquaintance stage he came onto me.
It makes me wonder. *sips peppermint tea in thought*
Ergh I sound like Carrie Bradshaw.
Now to imagine Jimi duelling Justin.

So... what's your sign? 

Sometimes, Karma can be a nice thing. Instead of biting me in the ass, it can bite the ass of someone i hate.